Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Surplus Population: Keeping Your Distance 5

From my favorite play, A Christmas Carol:

"Those who are badly off must go there." "Many can't go there; and many would rather die." "If they would rather die," said Scrooge, "they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population."

What is being promoted now is even worse than that.  There has come a new cry from the far right that is expressing that trying to save the estimated 2.4% of the population that may die from Coronavirus is not worth slowing/hindering the economy.

Money over human lives.

Scrooge, before his ghostly trips, is smiling broadly at their expressed inhumanity.

Lt. Governor Dan Patrick of Texas said that the elderly are willing to sacrifice themselves for the good of the economy.  And he is just representative of the new extremist consensus.

And, of course, our President without a soul, is willing to take up that mantle.  He thinks we should end social distancing soon because "the cure is worse than the problem."

He knows people will die because social distancing is lifted.  He knows and doesn't care.  He values a humming economy instead because he thinks that will help his re-election chances.

I am at a loss for words.

I am too angry to write extensively on this.  My brain is short-circuiting on anger and fear.  

How did we come to this?

How have we consigned so many to merely "surplus population?"

How do I go to work (yes, I still have to go to work) and stay quiet among people who SEE NOTHING WRONG WITH THIS THINKING?

How do I keep hoping they will wake up when EVEN THIS DOES NOT WAKE THEM UP?

But I must stay silent.  At least one on one.  At least with those I see.

On here, though?  In my little blog world?


I will calm down.  At least enough to express myself better.

Nevertheless, I persist.

Surplus population.  Who needs 'em?

Let's ask Jesus:

Matthew 25:40

 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'

Money over human lives?

If you agree with that or don't know how to answer it, please stop the pretense that you are a Christian.

There is only one answer.

May the light of Christ clarify it for you.

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