Wednesday, April 1, 2020

No Fooling this Year: Keeping Your Distance 9

Usually, I have an April Fool's blog post, where I run for Congress, or pretend I like Trump or something equally ridiculous like that.

This year, however, April Fool's is suspended.  Nothing could match what is going on in real life.

Instead, I will share a picture of one of my pets, as requested by a good friend.

This one is my retirement dog, Boss-A-Man.  We foster-failed with him at about the same time that I semi-retired from accounting.

He is a great dog, and I love him very much.  His smile looks like a snarl, but once you know him, you know how sweet a smile it is.  He loves to be held and be with people. He is always happy to see me and often gets in my lap.

He has several nicknames - Bossy, Sir Bark-A-Lot, the Turd Burglar (we really have to make sure the cat's litter box area is kept clean).


What is wrong with me?  Why did I watch this show?  Why has EVERYONE watched this show?

Oh, yeah.  I forgot.  Many of us are on lockdown.

I had not planned on watching it.  But:

Tom:  This sounds horrible.  I don't want to watch it.

Alison:  I do.  I want to see what everyone is talking about.

Tom: OK, but you'll have to watch it yourself.

Alison turns it on.

Tom: OK.  I'll just watch the first episode with you.

End of Episode 1:

Tom:  Those are some funky-crap people.  Although that Carole Baskin seems nice.

Tom: OK.  I'll see one more.


Tom:  Oh, my God.  She changed the legal papers to INCLUDE disappearance?  Who the hell does that?

Alison:  At least we've seen all the crazy people we can handle.

Tiger King, next episode:  Hold my beer.  Here comes Jeff  Lowe.

End of Series:

Tom:  I need to take a shower.  I will never be clean of that mess.

Oh, America!  What has quarantine driven us to?

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