Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Not So Far Away Vacay: Keeping Your Distance 43

This year, our vacation is not taking us far away.  Indeed, that is a picture of me on the back porch, book in hand, dog in lap.

Like many, summer vacation plans have evaporated.  We had hoped to go to Michigan, but the coronavirus made that impossible.  It would have been a delight to see my sister and Mike, and my niece and nephew, and a whole passel of trend nieces and a grand nephew.  It would have also been grand to visit one of my favorite places on Earth, Traverse City (thanks to Covid-19, the closest I will get to Traverse City is the t-shirt I am wearing).

In a couple weeks, we will be taking Benjamin up to Milledgeville to start his semester at Georgia College & State University.  Yes, as of this moment, that is still on.  The start of public schools, from Kindergarten to University, is fraught with peril, as cases are still peaking in Georgia.

If things settle done by late Fall, Alison and I hope to take a trip to Northern Georgia.  That's a big if, but we're hoping.

And if things REALLY turn around, we hope to reschedule our trip to Michigan.  And later, Alison and I are hoping to make a leisurely trip to New England. 

Until then,  I'm happy on our porch.  I'm currently reading Leadership: In Turbulent Times by Doris Kearns Goodwin, that highlights the leadership growth in four of our Presidents (more on this in a separate post). But never fear.  I have more than two dozen unread books to follow up with.

Another spoiler - I am not really on vacation, staycation or otherwise.  I'm still going into work, but only a few hours each week.  It's hard to stay entirely away if you're in town.  And Alison is working a full schedule, as they are preparing for the start of school.

We are still very much in crisis in the state of Georgia.  We could have been over the worst weeks ago, had we truly shut down.  We did not.  There was a very partial shut down for a couple of weeks, followed by a full return, and we are now paying the price.

I'm going to be alright.  Nothing is 100% certain about avoiding COVID-19, but we are doing our best.  We wear masks.  We socially distance.  I have my books and my writing, a part-time job where the environment is controlled, my pets, a wonderful family. 

Now, if you will excuse me, please.  I have a stack of books calling my name.

Stay safe.  Vote Biden.  We will see this through.

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