Monday, August 1, 2022

It's Another Manic-less Monday!


This view greeted me as I left the carport for my early morning roundabout.

My legs and knees feel much better, thank you very much. They're not perfect, but I am mobile, which feels good!

I just saw my health profile results from a recent testing. Blood pressure? My best reading in years! Blood glucose and A1C? For me, they were much better than I expected! They are still prediabetic readings, and I need to use caution. But I don't think there is a good case for medication. If I'm smart and continue to improve my diet and exercise, I can manage it independently.

Yes, my health situation is pretty good, given my age. My boys are scattered, but they are great people, and I love seeing them when I can. And I am one proud Grandpa!

The following are musings, which some consider negative or whining, so please bail if you don't want to read this stuff. Sometimes I kvetch. Fact of life.

Now that I've sold a large portion of my comic collection and have had some time to relax and enjoy life, I'm thinking about what to focus on next.

I hear about it and also sometimes meet seniors who still work - some out of necessity and some because their personalities drive them to it. For example, the two partners in my old firm may never quit - they wouldn't know how to fill the time if they did.

I don't have a problem with filling time, and Alison assures me that there is no necessity to me working,

Nevertheless, it would be nice to help build up our resources so we could do more traveling. And to provide whatever support we can to help Benjamin in his last year in college and his transition to a career,

Because travel is crucial to what I want to do, tying me to a regular employer and reporting to a workplace on a full or part-time basis doesn't seem very desirable.  

I don't want to do any accounting. I got my fill of that. I served my time in it and don't want to return to it.

If I had to grade my accounting ability, I would give it a gentleman's C. I did enough to contribute and keep a job, but there was no way I was ever going to shine. My natural abilities weren't great, and I would never put in the 12 to 16-hour days that some do in that profession.

I once told my employer that I was probably the lowest-paid full-time CPA in Georgia. He did not disagree. He also did nothing to change it. So, if anyone wonders where my sense of inferiority comes from - waalaa! That's a good chunk of it.

Even though I have given up accounting, I have grandfathered in the Treasurer's position at church. Recently, I have made some mistakes that made me aware of my limited abilities and have left me embarrassed and humiliated. It reminds me of why I no longer want to be an accountant.

I love writing. Most of the time. I would give my writing grade a B+.

But, so what? Many A-grade writers have trouble getting published.

I have shown no ability to market my books. My salesman grade would be a D-. That includes the ability to sell me and a book to a literary agent or publisher.

I have had a few things happen recently that have caused me to question my writing ability, which has shaken my confidence.

Nevertheless, because I love to write, I will continue to do it, and maybe I will stumble on a way to make a little bit of money off it.

I love acting. I would give myself an A grade unless dancing is involved.

Currently, I will be starting rehearsals for Harvey. I am playing the same part I did in 9th grade, that of an 80-year-old Judge. The significant change is, this time, I will need less makeup.

I have never figured out how to make money off of acting. Again, that requires a level of self-promotion I do not possess. There is a TV and movie industry in Georgia. Unfortunately, most of it is farther north of where I am, and the commuting costs would negate whatever meager money I might make.

I can't rule out being an Extra in something someday, but the odds are relatively low.

The one thing I can do at an A+ level is read aloud. Having a podcast, reading for audiobooks, posting children's stories - all that would be the balm. Besides my inadequacies in self-promotion, the only thing that stands in my way is technological issues. Can I, within my own home, create a studio with the right equipment and soundproofing to do what is needed for a quality reading?

There are considerable obstacles to making it work, but if I had my choice, it is what I would love to do.


I may not achieve a moneymaking level with any of my creative solutions. But I'm going to try. And that's half the battle.

Or maybe 35%. Who knows? My math/accounting ability is quickly fading.

Anyhoo, y'all have a great day!

Thanks for reading.

I'll keep the blog on for ya!

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