Saturday, February 11, 2023

99 Luftlooney Balloons: Saturday Political Soap Box 291


Well, thanks, Kevin McCarthy. You got your dream job after 15 ballots of trying. All you had to do was sell your soul to the crazies, and ensure that the 118th Congress is the craziest one ever.

Yes, the antics of Marjorie Taylor Greene have become a poster child for your reign. She backed you early - for one reason and one reason only - to put her back on committees and closer to the controls of power.

Her balloon stunt, pictured above, is one of her milder reactions. It's more stupid and pointless than it is insulting or outrageous. 

Her behavior during the State of the Union was thuggish and boorish. Her interrupting and catcalling, as if she were at a cage wrestling match, hurt the Republicans more than they imagined, by inspiring President Biden to corner the Republicans on Social Security and Medicare. He got them to deny their own statements about cutting these super-popular programs, and negotiated the debt ceiling before the largest audience possible.

In a committee hearing, she proclaimed that one elementary school in Illinois received $5.1 billion dollars in Covid money, exclusively to teach CRT. Do I have to analyze this for you? Does it pass your smell test? If you think this is any way plausible, you may want to find another blog to read. This one is going to make you very unhappy.

In a hearing about the Chinese balloon shot over the Atlantic, she just called what the military was saying BS (initials not used) and saying, "I don't believe you!"

Recent elections have shown that MAGA extremists and election deniers have trouble winning at the national and state level. But that can't include all of the carefully gerrymandered Congressional districts in some parts of the country. So we have to suffer these fools. And because of the thin margin that Congressional Republicans have, they have to let these extremists sling their crap all over the halls of Congress.

There are more fools in the Republican toolshed. There is the fantasy-spinning George Santos, whose lying even eclipses the delusional self-serving Trump. There is the gun-toting Chrstifascist Lauren Boebert. There is Matt Gaetz, whose sexual proclivities are distasteful at best and criminal at worst.

And there are many who are quieter but still support and condone the actions of these fools. What did you expect, after tolerating for years the madness of Trump, the worst and most unqualified President we've ever had?

This is my first Saturday Political Soap Box I've done in a while (since early December). In the future, I will try to deal more with the topics that affect our everyday lives - inflation, Russian aggression, universal health care, climate change, the growing income gap, and more.

But it's going to be hard to ignore the Christfascist threat to the future. Those in Congress are just clowns putting on a show. What we need to fear are people like Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida, who is turning his state into a repressive fascist hellhole.

So, no, as much as I'd like to post about other things, I'm not going to let you forget it. Nothing good can come until we deal with this threat.

Until next I climb the Soap Box,

T. M. Strait

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