Thursday, September 7, 2023

Idalia Peels Into Our House


For years, hurricanes have threatened our little corner of Southeast Georgia, but most veered away before they got here. Some came close, with wind, rain, and maybe a few downed limbs.

But Idalia? At least for us, it passed directly over us, at or about Category 1.

We had two of our twenty-four trees fall, damaging our house.

As you can see from the picture above, one poked right through into our bedroom. 

Hi! Mind if I  come in?

Well..we'd rather you didn't.

Too late!

The first tree to fall whacked the storage portion of our carport. It smashed part of our metal roof and poked five holes through it. It just missed taking out my electric mower.

Speaking of near misses, it was just inches away from taking out my Honda Civic.

The big Pinehuna landed squarely over our bedroom area.

Tuesday, August 29, we returned from a beautiful trip to the Catskills to visit the newest love of our lives, our 17-month-old granddaughter. I didn't do a story about it, partly because I can't show pictures of her and partly due to the distractions of the events that happened a day later.

Wednesday was when Idalia peeled into our neighborhood. In addition to the storm damage, we lost power until Thursday night and internet until Friday. Then there was catching up, cleaning up, and other things I will share later.

Rest assured, we have had insurance agents and adjustors out here, and we are in good shape to get stuff fixed.   We have plastic sheeting and protection on the roof, and most of the trees moved away from the house. This was mainly due to the help of Kevin Manders (a friend and a godparent to Benjamin) and LeVance Gay (a former co-worker of Alison and a neighbor).

Our church opened its doors and provided food and air conditioning to those in need, and yes, we did take advantage of it. Let me repeat this for anyone who may not remember - I love Grace Episcopal Church. It is the living, breathing definition of Christianity.

I can also update you that Benjamin's recovery from his femur break is picking up pace, and he is now using a cane instead of a walker. It may be a couple more weeks, but he has arranged his apartment in Warner Robins and hopes to return to work by the end of the month.

Idalia knocked us around, but it did not knock us out.

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