Wednesday, July 29, 2009

When were the Liberals in Charge?

One of my pet peeves is the notion that there was time that liberals were in charge and were running this country, and all the problems in this country stem from that imaginary time period. What balderdash! This is evident in the attempts to pass any kind of meaningful health care reform. Every time the Democrats have been in charge in the last forty years, their so-called majority has been jeopardized by it's big tent nature. Blue dogs, or conservative democrats have been more effective in blocking reform than Republicans. That's been true under Carter, Clinton and Obama. Whatever was accomplished had to be filtered through their contaminated water hose. It's true that all three Democratic Presidents had some conservative tendencies, but it was with any faintly liberal legislation that they had the most trouble.

So, please, my right wing friends, if you want to hate liberal thought, go ahead. But PLEASE don't use real American History of the last forty years to try to proof out some Liberal Golden Age. Just plain never happened!

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