Saturday, March 10, 2012

Times Square Lament

Times Square

Objects everywhere

Neon lights flashing their fluorescent message.

Skyscrapers reaching up and soaring into darkness

Mechanical things beckoning through the window

to escape the rushage.

I am here.

Times Square

People everywhere

Surging in and out of buildings

Crowding on the sidewalks

Pushing people forward in a lemming tide

of hidings.

I am there.

Time Square

Me is there

Stopping in the middle of the pounding rain

Plating feet and staying firm; I watch the crowd

My heart twinges, my eyes wince with an all

too familiar pain.

I am alone.

###Originally written in high school. I was supposed to pick a favorite poem by a famous poet, and I forgot. So, I wrote this quickly that morning and read it in class. I couldn't come up with the name of a poet, so I said it was written by Arthur Ashe. Good poem or bad poem, I got away with it. At least if the teacher knew, she never let on.####

*****I rediscovered the original copy I wrote in ink in the cafetorium that morning. It looks like the fake name I came up with was Arthur Ashmun. It was definitely inspired by Arthur Ashe, but at least I had enough sense to disguise it. I also made minor changes to conform to the inked original I found.


  1. Good poem just off the cuff! ;-D

  2. Wasn't he a tennis pro? You're fascinating. I shall be the ever "not so anonymous" - of course, Julie :)

  3. Benita, I don't remember her name, other than I'm pretty sure she was a first year teacher. Tall with long black hair, maybe? Of course, to me, pretty much everyone was tall.

    Julie, yes Arthur Ashe was a tennis player, the first prominent African-American tennis pro. It was the first name that popped into my head that morning, but neither the teacher nor the class seemed to recognize it.
