Monday, January 26, 2015

Pixalated Weekend and Other Monday Musings

Our vestry was recognized and blessed at church Sunday, both new and old members alike.  In the front are Brandy Holland, Wayne Hardy, Una Fulford, Ann Combs, and me, looking like a fat green frog.  In the back is Allen Hamilton, Steve Bean, John Pharr, Ric Charlatt, Rev. Kit Brinson, Senior Warden David Rollison and Junior Warden Dayton Lang.  Has ever a more motley crew been assembled?

Another very special part of mass today, was Benjamin stepping up and being a first time usher!  He did a fantastic job, with no trips and stumbles like his old man is prone to.  I was very, very proud of him.  He has been a member of Grace Episcopal all his life, what we call a "cradle Episcopalian".  It has been wonderful to watch as he has grown from baptism, to acolyte, to confirmation, to starting to take on more and more grown up responsibilities in the church.  Who knows?  Maybe someday soon he'll be in that vestry group up there!

Benjamin spent some time on the computer this weekend, and then came out and said he was "making pixies".  We thought, you mean, like fairies, for a game or something?  No, he must have found some art program somewhere and is making pictures pixel by pixel.  He says his friends are starting to request some too!

This is just a heads up in case you see my profile picture radically change, here or on other social media.

Woot!  Woot!  Our foster, Hugo, was adopted yesterday!  He had been with us a little over nine weeks, and grown to be a very friendly and happy dog.  Someone has a very special dog in their home now!  I will miss him, but I am happy he found a good home.


A frustrating weekend writing wise, but that's often the case in tax season.  The review process for History of the Trap is taking longer than I expected, and my thin skin is showing.  I am anxious just to get it out there, but fear that changes and marketing may be more than I can handle at this time of year.

A topic that had been on my mind the last couple of weeks I did get a chance to write a post on Sunday.  I felt like I needed to say something, even though it was a topic that was probably bound to arouse more resentment than anything else I could write on right now.  I feel like I failed as a writer, as the reaction to it was not what I was expecting.  I led people down a line of reasoning and reaction that missed the point of what I was writing.  I struggled for almost two weeks with what to say, and still did not achieve it.

Oh, well.  One does the best one can, and then strive to do one's best and risk falling short someplace else.

Until next time,

T. M. Strait

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