Thursday, September 10, 2015

Since When? Saturday Political Soap Box 111

Since when does being unqualified to do something make you qualified to do something?

Since when does being a real estate developer, born with a sliver spoon in your mouth, qualify you to be President?  How does going bankrupt four times, only to be rescued by banks that were too scared to let you fail, make you competent to handle the US economy?  How do three marriages and a callous, cruel demeanor, and an uncaring attitude towards the less fortunate ("I don't have time for losers") earn first or second choice among the evangelical right?  How do vague assertions to "make America great" and "it'll be terrific" serve as any kind of real plan to change anything?  Why does not the very idea of rounding up millions of people to  "deport" or "get rid of" not send cold chills down your spine?

How does being a great surgeon, in and of itself, qualify you for the highest office in the land?  What value is being a motivational speaker, without plans and management skill behind it?  How does medically working with fetal tissue entitle you to demonize Planned Parenthood  and work towards the destruction of one of the premier health providers for women?  

How does someone without any real credentials to her name, other than the fact that she brought Hewlett-Packard to it's knees and almost ruined it, show qualifications to be President of the United States?

Together, these three control at least half of the vote in Republican polling.  They have no concrete plans, other than Trump's desire to deport millions, regardless of the cost, both fiscally and morally.  Meanwhile, those who do have concrete plans dwell in the cellar of the hoard of candidates running for the Republican nomination.  Think what you will of Governor Bobby Jindall (LA), at least he has put out plenty of position papers.

I get it.  Republican voters fancy an "outsider", whatever that means.  Well, let me tell you something it shouldn't mean - it shouldn't mean incompetence and lack of skills.

I can give you a pass, my Republican friends, if you are currently supporting Carson or Fiorina.  I believe that time will show their ineptitude, but you never know - political campaigns are fiery crucibles that sometimes help candidates grow and mature.

But I give you no pass, no comfort, no understanding, if you back Trump, or even have brief, fleeting seconds where you say, "Well, Tom, you have to admit, he is saying something important that the American people are connecting with".

No, I don't.  I don't see his value at all.  I don't find him funny.  I take the threat of his candidacy very seriously.  And I will continue to speak out against him until he fades away.  

I cannot live with myself if I have to tell my kids and grandkids that I was silent in the face of the terrible, dark things this man represents.  

1 comment:

  1. Excellent job, Tom. I will stand with you. I keep thinking, "No way can Trump get the Republican nomination"; but, there is a deep fear that he will. About a month ago, I posted an article referring to a study of why people like Trump. Did you read it? I can't remember if you posted to it or not. Anyway, it cited three reasons people vote for Trump. 1. They like that he simplifies the problems to a short sentence. 2. That he talks "big". and 3. That he "looks" like them. Brrrrr. So friggin scary if you ask very Reich-like. I don't know how they don't see the parallels. Third Reich:1. Simplify problems-it's the Jews fault- kill the Jews. Problem solved. 2. Hitler was a dynamic "BIG" talker. Remember the giant cheers from the crowds? 3. He wanted everyone to look like him. Ok, so you may argue that is a stretch, but Hitler had an agenda, but didn't have a real plan until faced with the need to make one...Trump has an agenda, but doesn't have the plan yet, either. People followed Hitler, and he had no plan...until he had to have it. (And it was an awful plan.) His plan also lacked foresight. I fear Trump will present the same. Anyone who has been married four times, according to a Dr. Phil show I once saw, is 95% more likely to divorce again because he/she cannot foresee a future past their desires. They are generally narcissistic and selfish. Hmmm. Trump in two words, perhaps?
