Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Return of Wednesday Wanderings

A scene from The Diary of Anne Frank.  I and the Frank family greet Peter Van Daan as Kimberly Elizabeth Beck as Miep, the Dutch woman who helped the families hide, look on.

I took Monday as a vacation day, hoping that it would help me with the let down I usually feel the first day I go back to work after a play,  

It did not work,

Yes, I got to complete the editing to The Crowley Stories, and that felt good.  But my return to work on Tuesday was just as melancholy as normal.  Hopefully, today will be better.


Theater is hard to let go of.  I went to a play put on by Benjamin's musical theater class last night.  He did very well, and it was a reminder that I was not the only one in the family bit by the theater bug.

He was somewhat disappointed that, in another upcoming production, he lost out on the lead role, and is instead going to get some bit parts.  I had to remind him that throughout the many plays that I did in high school, in only one did I get the lead part.  You make the most of the parts you get, and make those parts memorable, and things will build from there.


Speaking of  deciding not to act for awhile, the play that WACT was going to do, Christmas Belles, with an adult cast, has now changed to A Charlie Brown Christmas, with a young adult cast.  So now it's my son that would be considered instead of me.  That makes things different.  If he decides to participate, I will take the time to support him in any way I can.


I have started the slow sampling of new TV shows.  So far, it is not promising.  As much as I like science fiction, I have to pass on Minority Report....after two episodes, it does not rise to the episode of must watch TV.  The same is true, unfortunately of The Muppets.  Something is missing from the original, and I'm not sure we can hang in there with it.  The verdict is still out on Quantico.  I'm intrigued enough to keep trying it for a few more episodes.


I can't complain about three of my four football teams.  The Michigan Wolverines proved against BYU that they might be for real this year, rapidly improving under the tutelage of Coach Harbaugh.  The Georgia Bulldogs look strong, although the true test comes this weekend against Alabama.  Alison feared that the Atlanta Falcons would be wretched this year, but they have shown a remarkable ability to stay competitive and to come from behind.  On the other hand, I had high hopes for the Detroit Lions, only to see their complete lack of an offensive line to give Matthew Stafford time completely ruin any viability they have.  The Lions suck, and they suck mightily.  And there is little hope of a turn-around.


My next writing project is......writing query letters for my two novels.  I only have one thing to say about that....AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!  I am so scared and out of my element.


Trump is starting to fade in the polls.  You would think that would make me feel better.  But it does not.  The damage is already done.  The fact that so many were attracted to him in the first place has already done irreversible damage to the psyche of the nation.  There's no question in my mind.  He represent the worst of this country, and his ideas (such as they are) are dangerous and could lead to horrible things you would not think possible in a country that proclaims itself civilized.  Besides, the candidates rising in the Republican polling are almost as loony and despicable as Trump.

Meanwhile, Bernie Sanders continues his remarkable rise in the Democratic field, and the mainstream corporate media continue to ignore and underestimate him.

And that includes MSNBC.  It's sad to watch it's demise.  The Progressives on the so-called progressive network are getting fewer and fewer rooms to play in.  The Rachel Maddow Show had a news crawl at the bottom of the screen last night.  How stupid and distracting.


Farewell for now, until I once again go a-wandering!

T. M. Strait


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