Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Edging Towards Crowley Completion

Good news!

I've had two people recently complete reading Crowley Stories: Swamp's Edge!

Alison had been reading it for several months, and the storm weekend gave her the opportunity to finish it. She liked it, but reading over such a period of time, she lost track of some of the characters.  There are many, and they don't all appear in very story.  So I may add a brief character bible at the end, that describes the character in a couple sentences, and then lists their major appearances in different stories.

A friend from the Writer's Guild, Christina Relyea read a prototype copy of the book, and gave me some great notes, which I hope to go through next weekend.  She also liked it, and remembered some of the characters better than I did (it's been awhile since I've written in the series).

My main editor, Rose Aldridge, is still reviewing individual stories.  She did such a fantastic job with History of the Trap, and I'm looking forward to getting her input.

Anyone who is familiar with my blog can read individual stories by following the label Crowley Stories.  I would appreciate any input you could provide.

The second edit version of this has been complete for some time.  But finally, I see it edging towards completion.  I still have to decide whether to seek a literary agent or just publish.  I'm undecided.  I like self-publishing, but I am unclear as to how to solve the riddle of getting noticed on Amazon.  I like the control one has in self-publishing, but I don't like the self-promotion/huckstering aspect of it.

Unlike History of the Trap, I am not wedded to the title Crowley Stories:Swamp's Edge.  If anyone familiar with the stories has another suggestion, I would be glad to consider it.

It's been a long haul, and sometimes it's hard to get focused, but I finally have this book in my radar again, and I'm excited about getting a second book published.

Wish me luck.

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