Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Another Submarine Trip Begins

It's time again.

Ready or not, here I go.

Tax season begins, and although I will not be working the hours you think I will, there will be more hours worked than in the rest of the year, and a substantial increase in stress.

My writing time in the morning may be more restricted, so that could mean a reduction in posting to The Strait Line.  I apologize for that, but I have to tell the truth, for better or worse.

The numbers of page viewers to The Strait Line has been relatively stable for years now.  It averages around 2,300, a little more or a little less each month.  That's not nothing, bot it's not the incremental increases I had been hoping for.  In order to even get these numbers, I have to keep my foot on the Facebook accelerator very hard - most of my views come through Facebook.  And I am becoming increasingly disillusioned by Facebook - it's becoming harder and harder to stay on it.

I long ago lost my ability to run ads and make money off of the blog.  I did hope it would be a trigger to get people more involved with my books and eBooks.  That may be the case - I'm just not sure.

It's also true that I have a column that runs in various papers throughout the state.  That is something that is taking up an increasingly larger amount of my writing time, and even my "thinking" about what I'm going to write.  It's fantastic to have your name out there, even if it's for political positions that are unpopular around here, but it's not something that is directly generating revenue either. Nobody who runs my column pays for it.

On both the blog and the paper column, I get very little feedback, positive or negative.  I get more feedback on Facebook when I post a ridiculous meme than when I post a blog story.  Are people clicking it on without really reading it?  I just don't know.

Yes, I am heading into the submarine, and my writing may get choppy (and my editing of what I write).  But I do have a goal in mind.  I want to be able to soon cut back from full-time accounting, at a minimum changing my accounting career retirement percentage from 10% to over 50%.  And to do that, I have to figure out some remunerative replacements.  The more I can figure out, the larger percentage of time I can step away from accounting.

The blog and the newspaper column are things I enjoy, but they are not directly remunerative.

I have to keep thinking about this.

But for now, the submarine awaits.

Like it or not, it's time to begin the....


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