Saturday, January 21, 2017

Everything is Being Stripped Away: Saturday Political Soap Box 154

Some have found eerie similarities between portions of Trump's Inaugural address and one Bane gave in a Batman movie.  So, that's where we're at.

Don't ask me to be coherent.

Don't ask me to make sense.

This is not some pretty, dignified column that will wind up in Georgia newspapers.  

This is an animal cry of pain.  An indignant wail about all that is being stripped away. A mourning for the death of American democracy.

An unrepentant, vindictive narcissist, a spoiled man-child, has been given the nuclear codes.  You're going to yell at me, but I think nuclear Armageddon is now closer than ever.  If so, very few will be left to regret the decision they made.

Millions will suffer, even without nuclear destruction.  Our safety net will be stripped away, with nothing left to replace it except cons and empty words. Thousands will die who are left without access to medical care, without housing, without decent pay as even the minimum wage disappears. We are galloping away now in the opposite direction of halting climate change, and future generations will pay a huge price for this.

Already he has taken away a program that benefited homeowners.  Already he has eliminated White House websites about climate change, about the LGBTQ community, even the connection to the Office of Management and Budget.

He lies more often than he breathes.  Everything is a distraction and a con.  Pay no attention to the wealthy men behind the curtain who are stealing you blind!  I AM THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRUMP!

Ignore his revival of a slogan, America First, that was the standard call of Nazi sympathizers before World War II.  Ignore that he has filled the cabinet with swamp dwellers whose only interest is to destroy the agency that they work for and plunder it for their own advantage.  Ignore Trump's YUGE conflicts of interest.  

I think one of the reasons Trump admires Putin so much is that Putin is now the richest man in the world, worth as much as an estimated 85 billion dollars.  He did this by taking advantage of his position and bringing the graft to himself and his cronies.  He enriched himself by fleecing the Russian people.  Congratulations. America, for putting Trump in the position to do the same.

I hope to turn soon to other things.

I hope to turn more to what Progressives need to do if they ever allowed to take charge.  This will happen unless democracy is so stripped away that voting rights are further restricted and hampered, the free press is muzzled, and big money continues to dominate everything.  

When we return, much of what was will be stripped away.  That means we can approach old problems in fresh new ways.  We don't need to return to Obamacare or other Rude Goldbergian systems that include some and leave others out.  We need to simplify systems, and take advantage of 21st century means and technology in order to accomplish them.

But more on that when my head clears a bit. 


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