Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Wednesday Wandering Questions

Do you spend more on cell phones than you did on land lines?

How many tattoos do you have?  Do you think there are many people in the United States, outside of religious affiliations that frown on them, that do NOT have tattoos?

Why do actors and actresses, who rely on being to adapt different personalities and roles, who need really to be a blank slate, why do they get tattoos that will need to be covered up?

What is your favorite restaurant?  Do you like what my Mom called "sit-down restaurants", or do you prefer quicker places, and take out/delivery?

What do you think of movie theaters that serve full meals and/or alcohol as part of the experience? Have you been to one?

Do you like pina coladas?  How about walking in the rain?

Do you get cable or satellite, or have you switched to streaming only?

Do you binge-watch, or still see a show a week?

Does it feel like sometimes that there are more people who want to write a book than who want to read a book?

In your life, how many comic books have you read?

What is the last fiction book  you read?

Do you read for pleasure?  If not, how did you get this far in this blog story?

What if the election was hacked, and the Russians had tampered with our voting results?  What would happen then?  Would there be a special election?  There's been no real plan for this, has there?

If you voted for the orange con man, have you yet realized what a huge mistake you've made?  Do you realize that if you man up and own your mistake, that I will forgive you for it, even welcome you home like the Prodigal Son?

Do you understand that climate change/global warming is not a hoax?  Aren't you ashamed of our withdrawal from the Paris Accords?

Are you a dog person or a cat person?

Are your musical tastes mired in a particular era, or are you more eclectic?

This really is a wander across the questioning universe, isn't it?

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