Wednesday, December 13, 2017

A Beautiful Post-Election Morning

All of Alabama's past history indicated that the Republican would win.

Any sense of human decency sided with the Democrat winning.

Doug Jones wins!

Yes, by all that is good and holy, it should have been by a wider margin.  Whites, particularly men, voted for Moore in uncomfortably large numbers.  Nevertheless, this is Alabama, one of the most Republican states in the county.

All of the sexual predators and offenders have fallen, one by one, some very deserving, some more marginally so.  One survives -  our sexual predator-in-chief.  Godspeed, Robert Mueller!  Godspeed!

As far as Democrats go, Doug Jones is fairly moderate to conservative.  There are some things, like gun control, where we may not be able to count on his vote.  There are other vital places where we can.  He used his victory speech to call for the renewal of the CHIP program. 

He is coming to Washington hoping to bring kindness, decency, and compromise, open to working with the other party.  You know - like Barack Obama did.  I'm pessimistic, but I do wish him the best.

Roy Moore, of course, was ungracious and stubborn in defeat.  He wants a recount, but it looks like the vote will be outside the margin of error.  He'll have to pay for it himself if he wants it.  He should crawl back into the cesspool of history.

There are many tough struggles ahead, as we try to draw a close to the Trump Ascendancy.  Maybe people are finally waking up.

Heaps of praises to the African-American voters in Alabama, who voted 90 to 95% for Jones, and, despite all the attempts of voter suppression, showed up in record numbers to cast their ballots.  Mississippi and South Carolina, which have even larger percentages of black residents - are you paying attention?  Progressives of all stripes need to join together to change the face of the South!

And, do you hear that, Georgia Republicans, who keep choosing corporate interests and Trump-style hate politics?  The people will come for you too!

Let's start here in the first Congressional District by defeating Trump puppet Buddy Carter, with No One Gets Left Behind's Lisa Ring!

Victory is thrilling indeed!

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