Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Sometimes You Feel Like a Favorite Nut

So on Facebook, I asked: What's your favorite nut?

Always dangerous to ask anything on social media.  You're never quite sure what kind of answer you'll get back.  The most frequent response to the question was me.  Their most favorite nut was me.

Those who did answer with a nut you can eat, cashews may have edged the others out.  But it varied quite a bit, which is good news for the nut industry.

For those who get mixed nuts, there are always one or two that are not favored children.  Alison will leave the Brazil nuts.  I think she thinks they taste like dirt.  Benjamin won't eat them at all - he's allergic (childhood allergy that is now mild discomfort, not OH MY GOD WHERE'S THE EPIPEN!).

Me?  At the risk of sounding blase and common, my favorite is the lowly peanut.  Roasted, salted, plain or honey roasted - I love them all.  Except maybe boiled - I can eat it, but it's not as good as dry roasted.  They're also pretty good stuffed into the middle of an M & M, or the exquisite treat of chocolate peanut clusters. My favorite ice cream is Tin Roof Sundae - vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce and peanuts.

In order, my next favorites are:  cashews, pistachios, and almonds.

There are a group of nuts that I'm not highly fond of, but I can eat.  They include:  Brazil nuts, hazelnuts, and pecans.  Yes, I said it.  Pecans  I can put up with, but I don't really crave or enjoy them.  That's a hard thing to admit living here in pecan country.  Alison likes them, so we do have them now and again.  They are easy to find, and we usually have friends who give us pounds of them.

And there is one nut that I can't stand.  It is the walnut.  I don't like the taste of it, and it gives me terrible heartburn.  The most frustrating thing about the walnut is how most commercial maple ice creams come with walnuts,  I LOVE maple ice cream, but I can't stand walnuts.  It is so sad.  I wish they would just leave them out of maple ice cream.

The very best home-churned ice cream is maple.  As a child, the best part of Strait family reunions was the ice cream churning party, and my favorite was homemade maple because they made it without the dreaded walnuts.  All this reminds me that I may need to reinvest in an ice cream churn.

So there is my review of the nuts I love, tolerate and the one I can't stand.

All our lists are different, I would wager.  That's good for the nut industry.

We're all just a bunch of mixed nuts.

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