Thursday, September 13, 2018

Throwing It Back Theater Style

A friend was telling me about a picture from Little Women she had found, a play that we were in about seven years ago.

I wondered, did I have any pictures from that play?

I couldn't find any from my iPhone or on the pictures I have on Facebook, or on my desktop.  I either don't have any preserved, or I never had any to begin with.

I've been in close to 100 plays, and I have pictures from only a fraction of them.  It's getting harder and harder to keep them all straight in my head.  I have some whole plays on VHS tapes.  Yes.  VHS tapes.  We don't even have a VHS player anymore.

So I wondered, what are the earliest pictures I have of productions?

Well, thank goodness for high school yearbooks!  I only have my Junior and Senior years, but they covered the plays I was in during those years.

The pictures in this post are from David and Lisa, a drama set in a mental institution for young people.  I played David, an obsessive-compulsive who did not like to be touched.  His defenses were gradually broken down by Lisa, a teenage girl who behaved more like a four-year-old, played by my next door neighbor, Barabara Bloomfield.  She was Bridgeport High School's finest actress, and whom I aspired to be as good as.

Currently, I am in a production that takes me back to a mental institution.  One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest begins Thursday at 7:30 PM at the Studio of the Okefenokee Heritage Center.  It stars my friend who was in Little Women with me, Julianna Lacefield, as Nurse Ratched, the cold and cruel dictator of the mental ward.  This is a role she has long wanted to do, and she is outstanding. I play FOUR roles (combined into two characters), surprisingly none of whom are the mental patients. My good friend, Kimberly Beck and her daughter, Emily (Anne Frank, Juliet) are also in it, as is Conner Griffin, shining in the role of Randle McMurphy (the lead played by Jack Nicholson in the movie version).

I wish I had kept better records, scrapbooks and such, but I didn't.  Now everything is mooshing together in my soggy brain.

Oh, well.  I will continue to pillage what resources I can and preserve them here on this blog.

Maybe this would be easier if I'd had a film career rather than theater.

Don't let the rush of life stop you from preserving memories with whatever you can.