Saturday, January 5, 2019

The Year to Come In Politics: Saturday Political Soap Box 200

The Horror!

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the new Congresswoman from New York, DANCES, and, while in college, was part of a Boston University dance video that was riffing off dances in The Breakfast Club.  The scandal!

Good golly!  What are we?  Living in the movie Footloose?

Another incoming Freshman, Rashida Tlaib, Congresswoman from Michigan, uses coarse language to emphasize her and her district's passionate desire to see the highly impeachable Donald Trump impeached.

Oh, my!  I'm getting the vapors!  Somebody grab the smelling salts! The party that brought us Donald "Grab 'em by the P-word"  Trump, the man with fresh vulgarities and nastiness virtually every day, has decided to get on its moral high horse.

Sorry, Republicans.  Because of your bosomy intake of Captain Bone Spurs, YOU NEVER GET TO TAKE THE MORAL HIGH GROUND AGAIN.  Those days are gone.

Elizabeth Warren is running for President!

Aaaaand...the vilification begins!

It has been so strong, that even Democrats are wondering if she's damaged goods.  Did she make a strategic blunder by revealing her DNA results?  I don't know.  It don't seem big whoop to me.  Even if it was a blunder, so what?  I've read many objective books analyzing past candidate's races, and even the best ones are filled with gaffes and missteps.  The current Presidential occupant is Misstep-In -Chief.

The thing to realize about the coming year is this - the Republicans,  supercharged in hate by their fearful leader, will spend their time and political capital not on legislation or bettering the lives of our country's citizens, but on desperately trying to demonize everything about the Democratic Party and its leaders.  The greatest fury will be reserved for Democratic women.

They fear them.  And they should.  They're this country's best chance of moving forward.

It's going to be a rough year.  The President is going to test out what he can do without Congressional approval.  His base will be ecstatic, not giving a hooey about how dictatorial and anti-constitution his efforts will be.  No significant legislation will pass and be signed by Trump, so our problems will continue to fester. The most dangerous of these is global warming - we've run out of time to stop it and can only mitigate it.  Every day we don't act makes it exponentially worse.

It's going to be a hopeful year.  If the Democrats play it right, they can pass a raft of legislation, that even if it dies in the Senate, will at least give Americans a clear idea of where the Democratic Party will take us.  And Progressives are finally a force that has to be dealt with.  Who cares if they seem rowdy or impolite, as long as they get across their fierce message for a better future?

It's going to be a scary year in foreign policy, as Trump moves us more into the Axis of tyrannical evil, as he continues to favor dictators over democracy.  And this is the area that he could exert his most out-of-control impulses.  All the people that could check his extremism have left the building.  God help us all.

It's going to be a tough year economically.  I hope things don't get too bad, but the signs are not good.  A destabilized stock market is only one small part of what we may be in for.  The national debt is skyrocketing, the trade wars are battering us, we continue to clutch at old industries rather than moving towards newer ones, and we've deunionized to the point that individual workers no longer have an advocate against the large corporate interests and the wealthy.

It's going to be a year of reckoning.  The Mueller investigation,  Congressional hearings, old-fashioned newspaper reporting - all will make it clear how impeachable, corrupt, and unfit for office is the narcissist in charge.  Every Republican, mainly Republican Senators, will have to decide what is more critical - country or party.  I know what the decision should be.  I just don't know what the decision will be.

It's going to be a year of narrowing the Presidential field.  Some whom you think are going to run - won't.  Some who are not on your radar will emerge as contenders.  I cannot predict how it will shake out.  I think the interests of the Republican Party (and the country) would be best served by people like John Kasich, Mitt Romney, Jeff Flake, and Nikki Haley.  The interests of the Democratic Party  (and the country) are best served by nominating women to be the Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidates.  It's time to double down, folks.  This is no time to clutch our pearls and tear up at the onslaught the misogynist, sexist Trumpian horn is going to blare at Democratic women.

They fear Democratic women?

I say...


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