Monday, April 22, 2019

To Impeach or Not to Impeach?

To impeach or not to impeach?

Whether tis nobler to suffer the man who slings arrows against our democratic institutions and has endangered us all be allowed to stay in office or by using constitutionally available means to end his tyrannical reign?

To impeach or not to impeach?

That is no longer the question.

We must impeach.

We have no choice.

I know that it is a political risk and that impeachment, sadly, is often a political calculation.  It could create a martyr.  It could damage Democratic Party chances in 2020.  It will lead to a Pence Presidency, who is almost as incompetent and dangerous as Trump.

But it's no longer optional.

Trump has consistently and continuously violated the emoluments clause, taking considerable sums from foreign powers.

Whether a beyond the doubt provable conspiracy or not,  the Russians clearly involved themselves in our election FOR Trump, and the tolerance and encouragement of this, the exchange of data, the innumerable meetings, the entire involvement of Trump and his team with Putin and other dictators smells to high heaven.

He violated campaign finance law with his trying to hush up his illicit affair with a porn star, something that doesn't seem to bother my Christian right friends whatsoever.

Mueller laid out at least TEN different incidences of obstruction of justice, any one of which should end a Presidency.  Mueller did not indict because he is a straight arrow, and DOJ policy was that a sitting President (well, this one is sitting on the can most of the time tweeting out crap) can't be indicted.  A clear reading of the Mueller report will show he intended for Congress to act.  And act it must.

He repeatedly encourages his subordinates to violate the law on his behalf - most of the time they refused or sidestepped doing the violations.  This is to their benefit - BUT NOT TO HIS.  The fact that they refused to be unlawful for him INNO WAY CLEARS OG HIM ANYTHING!  In fact, it makes him the one true great danger.

If the Democrats leave him place without impeachment, what is to prevent him from further high crimes?  He will be emboldened, and the things he will do to win the 2020 election will make 2016 look like small potatoes.  You cannot stop a bully by giving into him.

Will the Senate convict?  Probably not, although you might be surprised once the public sees the full charges laid out, and backed up with testimony and Trump's own foul defenses.

But the case must be made.  The evidence must be heard.

The rule of law demands it.

The future of our county as a functional democracy of our country requires it.

We cannot let this stand.

We must impeach.

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