Friday, July 5, 2019

Arts & Nature in Central Ontario

Sometimes, staying at a motel in the country can have its virtues.  We certainly wouldn't have a sunset like this at a downtown Toronto hotel.

We stayed at a country inn at a remote location in Prince Edward County.  We had a beautiful view of the sunset from our room.

The "lodge" was adjacent to a winery and a contemporary art museum.

The contemporary art museum had an outdoor component.  That's not a real giant pine cone,  It's art.  Trust me.

Lawn zipper.  I don't know what else to say.

Yes, I know.  This is from Stratford, and I should have a lot of pictures from the multiple theatres that were there.  What can I say?  My picture taking skills are sporadic at best, and this was the one day that my foot hurt really bad.  I think I twisted something the night before, taking two steps instead of one coming down a theatre's step.

We did see two plays. One was Mother's Daughter, a play about the Queen Mary (the one often referred to as Bloody Mary).  The language was contemporary, and Benjamin particularly some of the "ghost" effects it deployed.

The other was Othello, set in contemporary dress, but using the original Shakespearean language.  It was hard for me to catch everything they said.  We were in the last row, and my hearing is not perfect, so it was hard for me to pick up on the meaning of all the flowery language.  My own personal feeling was that yes, Iago is a very bad man, but Othello was an impulsive idiot for falling for Iago's load of crap.

I close on a view of Stratford's magnificent pond.

Canada ain't perfect, but it does have great people and universal healthcare.

I was able to catch some of the Democratic debates, via Alison's iPad.  This was a good thing because.....

Trump made me want to stay in Canada.

Seeing the remarkable talents and skills and promise of Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris made me want to come back to the USA.

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