Monday, July 22, 2019

Experimental Monday Musings

The Grand Experiment continues.  My withdrawal from general Facebook posting is starting its second week.  So far, the effect seems to be a reduction in page views of about 10 to 15 per post.  It's a decline, but not quite as severe as I thought.

I'll probably do this for another week and then reverse experiment, where I only use Facebook for The Strait Line and Song of the Day.  No posting of memes or other commentaries.  That might be tough because, with the wicked stuff Trump and his Trumpeteers do, it seems like a dereliction of civic duty not to react.

The result may be to abandon my ten-year experiment with the Google platform and move to Wordpress or something else, something that will hopefully let me advertise or otherwise earn some tiny bit of cash.


Benjamin is back after a week interning at Honey Creek (Episcopalian Youth Camps).  It gave us a little taste of what life at home may be like with Benjamin away.  In 24 days,  he leaves for college in Milledgeville.   We are encouraging him to stay there at least for a few weeks, so he can get used to campus life.  We don't anticipate him coming home as frequently as some students do, particularly those who live closer to home than Benjamin does.

Milledgeville is about three hours away.  It's not impossibly far, but it makes coming home more of an event than a regularity.

Anyhoo, he did enjoy his intern experience and is in a good place to come back next summer as a paid counselor if he so chooses.


My own work will intensify soon, as I close in on audit that takes about five weeks to complete.  It'll mean more hours towards my social security limit, but it will also mean less writing time for that time period.

I do have a little while for that starts, and I hope I can complete the first draft of The Extra Credit Club.  I am in the middle of the second-to-last chapter.


What are we watching?  Alison and I are watching True Detective Season 3, and find it very captivating.  It's a great whodunit and wherearethey, as good or better than most of the true-life crime stories that seem to dominate television now.  We are watching a new Handmaid's Tale each week, as it becomes disturbingly closer to what we experience in reality.

What am I reading?  The House of Daniel by Harry Turtledove, an alternate history that focuses on a semi-pro baseball team during a version of the Great Depression where magic is real.  I am also reading The River by Ryen Lesli, a novel about superpowers and witchcraft, written by one of my twitter writing community friends.

Will I ever be in another play?  I am considering trying out for WACT's Murder on the Orient Express if I can lose a bit more weight.  I am tired of performing while I'm carrying a basketball in front of me.  Also, even with my successful theater background, at my age and weight, parts are limited, and I'm still terrified of rejection. 

Until next time,

T. M. Strait

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