Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Imagine There's No Intelligence

Imagine if Joe McCarthy was named to be Director of National Intelligence.
Yeah. That’s where we’re at now with John Ratcliffe.
God help us all.

This is an all-hands-on-deck full-scale emergency.

If Texas Congressman John Ratcliffe succeeds in becoming the Director of National Intelligence, it's game over, man.

Instead of a nonpartisan Director, determined to show the President the truth gathered by the intelligence agencies, we will have a Trump sycophant determined to use the agencies to serve the interests of our racist President, not the American people.

Congressman Ratcliffe was the most zealous combatant against Mueller, defending the President at the cost of burning and condemning everyone else.

He wants to exonerate and protect the President while pursuing imaginary crimes of Obama and Hillary.  And it won't stop there.  He will use the intelligence to pursue and prosecute anyone who dare oppose our racist-in-chief.  

The coup will be complete.

Trump will reign until it is time for Ivanka.  No more elections necessary.

What can we do?  Let them know they must oppose, even if they are Republicans.

Take to the streets if we still can.

National intelligence is supposed to serve the American people.  With Ratcliffe, it will be more like the Nazi's SS, or Putin's KGB (hey, Russia!  How'd that work out for ya?).

We are in a world of hurt, and we don't understand how much darker it can get.

God help us all.

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