Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Blog at Sunset

Why am I doing this?

Should I set the sun on my blog?

Is this something I should think about after 2,000 plus posts and well over a million words?

Nothing stays static, so after a decade here, it's asking me to try out the "new blogger."  I have no idea what that means.  I don't know if that means starting over or not.

Traffic, or visits, to this blog - well, it's not exactly zero, but it ain't been growing either.  I usually get between 2,000 and 3,000 visits a month.  There has been some variation, but that level of traffic is most typical.

The total number of visits since the blog's inception has been just over 350,000.  In other words, what CNN or Huffington Post typically get in less than an hour.

It's been a lot of effort.  Do I enjoy it?  Yes, for the most part.  It's been kind of discouraging ever since my ability to earn advertising dollars was taken away from me. 

The only significant change has been that I get as much traffic generated by Twitter now as I do Facebook.  Facebook has restructured itself so that fewer people see what you post, and if you want them to see it, you have to "boost" by paying them money.

Yep.  It's discouraging.

The most significant way for my blog to grow is for people to share my blog posts.  That is rare.  I share any of my friends' blog posts whenever I see them, but that does not seem to be a natural pattern for most.

Thematically, my blog is a problem, because I am all over the map.  I've had some input that the blog should stick to one topic.  Like, only write reviews of Superman comic books, starting with Action Comics #1, and moving forward.  And if I want to write a new topic, I should create a different blog.  Great.  That would mean I would have about two dozen blogs.

I generally write in the mornings, and the blog does kinda bogart my fiction writing time.  That's a balance I've been struggling with.  Some think posting my fiction writing is not good because others may plagiarize it.  Oh, for cryin' out loud!  At this point, I would be flattered if someone considered it worth stealing.

So, am I going to stop doing the blog?

Probably not.  It's too routine.  And I do love the writing part.

But I could see transferring to another platform, or maybe diversifying and having more than one blog.

So, in the words of my favorite candidate -

Nevertheless, I persist!

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