Monday, November 11, 2019

Bazaar Weekend Monday Musings

It was a Bazaar Weekend!

Yes, it was our church Bazaar Saturday, with a wide variety of vendors.  There were lots of arts and crafts,  healthy food advice, artists, pet rescue, and somehow I slipped in there too, selling my self-published books.

The crowd was steady and friendly, and I sold four books. It sounds pathetic, but for me, that was actually pretty good. My inventory of books on hand is dwindling, and I may not re-supply until next year.

That's me.  I'm huge.  My belly is practically on the table.

Saturday was our wedding anniversary, and we went out to eat after the bazaar to L.L. Creek 'n' Bean (I may not have the name quite right).  In my latest effort to lose weight, we did split one appetizer, on entree and two sides.  It was a grilled chicken entree, Blackberry Chipolte Chicken, and it was delicious.

The restaurant was crowded with kids from baseball teams (baseball in November?), and some kids were given free reign, with team members and younger siblings raising hell at their own tables, while the adults (adults, coaches, etc.) sat at different tables indulging in adult beverages, ignoring much of the chaos. It was noisy, but we could still hear each other.  For the most part.

We then saw the movie Doctor Sleep, based on the Stephen King book, and is an extension of the story in The Shining, featuring the boy Danny Torrance all grown up, played by Ewan McGregor, who was able to tap into both the Shine and the Force (he played Obi-Wan Kenobi in the second Star Wars trilogy).  It was a long but enjoyable movie.

Sunday was church, and then later, our continued attempts to watch For All Mankind - more on that in a subsequent blog post.

Today I need to leave early (for the new semi-retired me) to continue to learn the church Treasurer function.  Yes, Alison and I volunteered to take that over.  I have sworn to remove myself from accounting as much as I can, with the goal of putting it entirely behind me, but I find it sort of like trying to quit the mob -  every time I try to get out, they pull me back in!

Until next time,

T. M. Strait

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