Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Struggle For All Mankind

Exciting news!

My oldest son, Gregory Strait, has his first credited show (as colorist)!

Well, you know, Proud Papa wants to see this!

But,,, it's a part of a new streaming service, Apple TV +.  And we didn't have that.

And the model ROKU we have will not get the Apple TV + app.

Proud Papa will not be deterred!

I bought a brand new state of the art ROKU, Ultimate Plus or some such name that promoted itself as being able to handle the Apple TV + streaming service.

I set that up, finding out with my other streaming services that I had to resign in - they had no idea who I was anymore.  But ok!  It's for my son!  I'll do it!

Setting up Apple TV + was about a two and a half ordeal, as you had to go through the bureaucracy of Apple, and we had to dig up some stuff we had long forgotten.

But, finally, we had it!

We were able to see the first episode of For All Mankind1

And it was awesome!

It's an alternate history where the major variation is that the Russians are the first ones to land on the moon.  It is entertaining and brilliantly done.

And the show's coloring?  Magnificent!  Alison commented that it was one of the few shows she's ever seen where she could still what was going on even when it was dark!

Don't believe me?

Beleive the Apple executive that called my son's boss and said it was the BRST LOOKING SHOW ON THE APPLE TV + STREAMING SERVICE!!!


We are in a free trial that lasts through this Friday.

We have been only able to watch the first episode.  The rest say they are unavailable, even though four episodes have aired.

What the heck?  Iy took considerable research and community questions, and the best we can figure out is that the free trial week is limited to only the first one or two episodes of each series.


Apple, I guess.  That is the only downside to the whole thing - trying to work with Apple.  I still can't figure out the ID on my iPhone.  I've tried some but I usually have to say NOT NOW.

Look, though.  The service is not expensive, $4.99 a month.  And it has a number of really great, exciting new shows.

And come Saturday, I'll let you know if we can see more episodes of



Update:  Apple TV +, out of nowhere, now works on my desktop, including episode 2 of For All Mankind.  On the ROKU and big TV?  I still can't watch it, and that is where I WANT to watch it.

1 comment:

  1. You Apple is Known for their simplicity
