Friday, November 1, 2019

Kingdom Escape: Friday Flash Fiction

Take me with you.

I can't.  I wish that I could.

Do you understand what is happening here?  Things aren't safe anymore.

I understand.  But I'm going to be lucky to make it on my own.  It would be almost impossible if I bring others.

It will be okay.  I can help you look out.

A man and woman together?  You know they're watching out for that!

I love you.  Please don't leave me here.

I love you, too.  And I'm trying to keep you safe.  Don't you know how dangerous it's going to be?  I can't risk your life like that.

Everything is a risk.  And I would rather be with you, risking everything, than be back here without you.

No, I can't so that.  I won't take that chance.

And I won't take the chance that I have to live here without you.

Look, you know our best hope is for me to get out of the Kingdom and tell the story of what's happening here.  If they know, they'll have to come in.  They'll have to stop this nightmare.

I think you're wrong.  I think they already know, and just don't care.

I can't believe that.  There are good people in the world.  They'll hear about this, and they won't let stand.

There are good people here, and they just watched it happen and did nothing.  Why do you think the DSSA will be any different?

I don't know.  I have to have faith that decency and humanity will prevail.

You have that faith in others, but you don't have it in me?

If you go with me and something happens to you, I couldn't live with myself.

And I can't live if I don't go with you.  Please, let's do this thing together.

Stop!  Why did you kiss me?  You know what that does to me?

We must be together.  Everything means nothing without you.

My God!  Heaven help me!  I cannot leave you!  Alright!  Come with me!  It's insane, but I can't live without you either!



I am sorry, my love.  It is at an end.

Never, my love.  They will never tear our souls apart.


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