Saturday, December 12, 2020

Enough Already: Saturday Political Soap Box 263

 Enough already!

The man won by over 7,000,000 votes and the same electoral margin that Trump won in 2012 (you know, the one Captain Bone Spurs called a landslide).

You are just embarrassing yourself now.

And I'm not just talking about Trump.  Trump has an excuse.  He's mentally ill.  He can't process information in the way a normal person can.  He is psychologically incapable of accepting that he lost.

That excuse can't be used by his Republican enablers, the wide swath of Republican officeholders who are endorsing Trump's mad anti-democratic bids to retain power.

It is encouraging the authoritarian instincts of millions of Trump's base supporters. When they see this swill promoted not just by the President, but by Republican politicians and their media mouthpieces (FOX News Primetime, Newsmax, OAN, Parler, extremists reinforcing each other on FaceBook), it gins them up to not accept the truth.  It makes you fear that they will no longer abide by election results if they don't fall in line with their expectations.

It's going to take a while, but demographics do not favor that Trumpeteer voter. More and more districts and states will turn blue, especially if Republicans value white identity politics over governing.

I wish this decisive rejection by the US Supreme Court of Texas's incoherent and vile lawsuit would end this.  I wish that it would be enough already.

But I doubt it.  I'm sure the narcissist-in-chief has more tricks up his sleeve.  He has to because the consequences of leaving office are so dire for him.  Even if he (or President Pence) pardon himself for any federal crimes he has committed, that still leaves him battling local and state courts.  He knows what he has done and what awaits him.  He'll get a jumpsuit that matches the color of his spray-tanned skin. 

Be prepared for him to attempt a military intervention, including maybe the declaration of martial law.  I say attempt because I have enough faith in our military leadership that this effort will fail as well.

Yes, he will fail.  Donald Trump is The Biggest Loser.

But that's not what I'm worried about.

I'm worried about how difficult it will be to govern, how hard it will be to return to normal if millions refuse to accept the legitimacy of Biden's election.  And for me, that will be the majority of the people I run across in this red South Georgia enclave.

Personally, I want the progressive legislative agenda to pass - lock, stock, and barrel with no compromises.  But guess what?  Progressives are not a majority in Congress.  They are an important faction within the Democratic Party, but they don't have the political power to pass anything without compromise.

So, for right now, I accept the fact that I can't get everything I want.  That it will take coalitions and compromises to move the country forward.

And we must move the country forward.  And it will not be the Progressives that will hold that up.  They like governing too much.  

It will be the Trump Rump that holds it up, those who are more loyal to Trump and his white identity politics than they are to functioning democracy.

There is too much at stake to not get things done.  Too many problems are at a critical juncture. We have to work together.  Biden is right in that.

I fear it won't happen.  We have too many in the Republican Party who value power over governance.

Enough already.

Lives are at stake.

Lift your head out of your media and cultural bubble, reach out to your fellow Americans, and let's start to git-er-done.


  1. Agree! Nothing will get done till we are able to work together. Have a relaxing Sunday.

  2. I hope so. You would think that a raging pandemic would pull us together, but so far, that hasn't happened.

  3. for those who think that all conservatives or republicans voted for trump, my 95 year old mother, a lifelong republican voted for Jo Jorgenson because Trump thoroughly disgusts her

    1. That's good news! Here in my home county we had more Trump voters this time than in 2012. I prayed to find just one local convert but it proved to be a quixotic journey.
