Tuesday, December 29, 2020

A Narwhal Chistmas!

It's a Narwhal Christmas!

The world's weirdest creature* for the world's weirdest Christmas, as we do our best to celebrate together while celebrating apart. 

It's like a unicorn crossed with a whale.  Primarily inhabitants of the Canadian arctic, there are about 80,000 left in the world.  As the planet continues to warm and the Arctic melts, they may find their habitat dwindling.

The distinctive tusk is actually a tooth.  That would take a lot of Crest.  

One of our favorite parts of our favorite Christmas movie, Elf, is when the narwhal says goodbye to Buddy.  

Here is another view of the same quote.

Why am I repeating the same thing twice?

Because it is my blog, and I can get away with it.  Live on the edge, I always say.**

Alison loves the narwhal part so much, I got her this Narwhal onesy for Christmas. She loves it and will probably be wearing it as long as our weather is chilly.

Merry Christmas, y'all!  And don't forget - Christmas continues through Epiphany! 

* several creatures dispute the Narwhal being the weirdest, including the Sparklemuffin

**I don't really say that very much, but it sounds impressive don't it?


  1. good news Narwhal populations have rebounded and are now estimated around 170,000

  2. I've seen different numbers, so that is very possible. We'll see how they do as the Arctic continues to melt.
