Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Taking a Knee Wednesday Wanderings


There's my Boss-A-Man, ready to make my day better.  Always my pal.  Especially on those days when I don't go to work.

Interesting experiment here.  Usually, when I retrieve photos from my phone, I post them to Facebook and then save them to my desktop to use them here. I post them to Facebook only to me, so the only way you see them is through my blog.

I didn't do that this time.  I posted the photo to everyone.  It will be interesting to see how many likes and comments the photo by itself gets compared to the blog story.  I think I know which one is going to win.


Personal health kvetch:  knee pain had receded but is now back with a vengeance.  Everything is painful - standing, sitting, walking, laying down.  I'm back to using Voldemort (Voltaren); maybe that will help in a few days.  I hate seeing a doctor, particularly during the COVID times, but I may not have a choice.

Y'all probably hope I do so I can quit kvetching about it.


I have been reading the Sally Field book In Pieces, and I am up to the Gidget years.  She has always been a secret crush of mine and has remained beautiful and bright throughout the years.  Her trauma as a child is greater than I thought it was, showing you don't always know what people are going through.

No steaming service is showing Gidget, except for some episodes posted on YouTube.


I really want to turn my back on Trump, but he and others are not making it very easy.  His delusional rants that he won are coming across more and more insane, and it makes me worry about those who are willing to go along with him.  He is doing one last grift before he leaves, squeezing millions out of his supporters that will help guarantee his lifestyle when he leaves office.  If he leaves office.


Benjamin is closing up his last week of school, which he is doing from home.  He has a final today and a couple more later this week.  

It has been a strange college experience for Benjamin.  His social skills were really sharpening before COVID,  and I hope he can return to that sometime next year.


I stumbled into a conversation I did not want to pursue, lest it gets me into trouble. I said something about a change in relationship with a fast food place in association with Benjamin's college food service, and that it was COVID related, and a person hearing this started on how COVID protocols were making a lot of stupid things happen. a lot of unnecessary restrictions (I guess that's what they meant).  

I did not pursue it. But it was a reminder that I live around many people who do not take COVID seriously and think that the restrictions imposed are worse than the pandemic.

That's insane.

First, this area never really shut down.*  It's always been snotty and defiant here. And to me, it's the major reason we still have to deal with COVID for months instead of weeks. The people here do the bare minimum they're required to do (if that), thinking the restrictions are silly and inhibitive.

How much do we have to suffer because people don't take this seriously?


I should write more, but I do know it hurts to sit too long at the desk.  So, I'll call it a wander, and hopefully, move on to more coherent topics later.

Wanderingly Yours,

T. M. Strait

* Having a first implies there is a second and maybe more.  Alas, there is not.  I should fix it, but that is a thought process that is just too much for me this morning.


  1. in regard to the covid issue My response to them would be if you are refusing to wear a mask or social distance, then what are you doing to make this better? (probably nothing)

    1. I'm not sure if they seriously think that herd immunity will solve this, or their personal risk is low, or what. Somehow it has become a tribal/cultural issue in a way I don't understand.
