Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Pre-Inauguration Wednesday Wanderings

O beautiful hat!  How I covet thee!

The time of the Orange One is drawing to a close.  Less than five hours as I write this.

Still, even with so little time left, I have fear over what he will do.  So much breaking of precedent, so much rudeness, so much nastiness, so much anti-democratic behavior.

As I write this, there is no sign yet that he will pardon his immediate family members or himself.  I think people close to him have convinced him that it might cause problems at his impeachment trial in the Senate. That doing so might make him look more guilty.

Then Laurence O'Donnell, the host of the MSNBC show The Last Word, mentioned that not all pardons are made public.  That there is such a thing as secret pardons that may stay secret until they are brought up by necessity.  So, Trump could survive the impeachment trial, get arrested for a Federal crime, then whip out his secret pardon and go, "Psych!" Wouldn't that be a kick in the nutty region!

It's been a tough four years.  I've lost a lot of sleep, experienced heaps of stress.  Much of it has been centered around that I live around so many people who have never wavered in their support of him.  It has caused me to be often confused, but mostly angry at how otherwise intelligent and caring people could be so blind.

Because it permeates so much. my blog has been more political than I intended.  Yes, I do post non-political things, but I think the political percentage has gone up over the last four years.  I can't help it.  Although the blog is not a single-purpose blog, it reflects who I am and what I am thinking about.

I can forgive those who supported Trump, especially if they join us in finding solutions to the many crises facing the country and the world.  You don't have to agree with my solutions, but you do have to engage.  You have to be willing to work together.  The problems are too great not to seek understanding and compromise.

I can forgive, but I cannot forget because, in the future, you could be driven to support another authoritarian fascist, maybe one that's even more dangerous by being more intelligent and crafty.  The threat to the Republic is not over, even if Trump is banished.  One horrible thing we know is true - The Empire Always Strikes Back.  We must remain vigilant.

I can forgive, but I must tell my Trumpeteer friends this -

You never should have supported him.  Not once.  Not for one second.  He was always a narcissistic monster.  He was always a racist and misogynist.  He was always a failed businessman.  He didn't deserve your support for dog catcher, much less President of the United States.

I have read hundreds of articles and many books trying to understand why you (Trump voters) did what you did.  

I don't care anymore.

Just don't ever do it again.


1 comment:

  1. dont forget this monster was once the darling of liberals even got a medal from the NAACP. He is just a con man riding whatever wave he thought would get him the most attention and/or money.
