Saturday, January 2, 2021

The Most Hypocritical Political Sign Ever! Saturday Political Soap Box 265

 This sign has popped up all over my county.  Some are strung along in a row, a dozen or more.

This is the message someone(s) in my county wants to send:


To which I say -




Never have I seen expressed a more HYPOCRITICAL sentiment in all my time here, dating back to 1997. 

Really, Pierce Countians?  That's what you believe - that we have to stop one-party rule?  Are you kidding me?

You, who vote straight Republican year after year after year, at the NATIONAL level, at the STATE level, at the LOCAL level, are suddenly worried about ONE PARTY RULE?

You, whom some of you have told me, don't understand the necessity of a general election because all that's decided in the Republican primary?

You, who vote like a monolith and consider Democrats to be barely human?

You, who EVERY TIME I have posted about being concerned about our lack of true democracy here, and wouldn't you like to have competitive elections and have choices, and aren't you tired of voting where there is only one realistic option, and so many Republicans run unopposed. and our elections are Soviet-style, and you all just shrug and think that what I am asking for is the most unimportant and irrelevant thing ever?

Now I'm supposed to believe you're all twitterpated about ONE PARTY RULE? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?



So, Tom, aren't you being a hypocrite?  Don't you want one-party rule by the Godless heathen Democrats?

Oh, for God's sake.  Read my stuff, man.  I've said over and over and over again about how I want a MULTI-PARTY system.  I want different groups to combine for different legislation, in ever-shifting coalitions that compromise and get stuff done.

I've made it clear over and over again that I'm an Independent Progressive, not a Democrat.  I don't care too much for many conservative/corporate Democrats, but I see them as potential partners to move at least a few things forward.  And if some very conservative and populists legislators like Senator Hawley share some agenda items, like for $2,000 checks to COVID ravaged everyday Americans - then bring them in for that vote.

If the Republicans retain the Senate, it is not ONE PARTY RULE we will have avoided.  You know what we will have?


And that man will be -


Nothing will be accomplished.  All legislation, bipartisan or otherwise, will die at his doorstep - he won't let it come to the floor to even be voted on.  Judgeships will be stopped, many cabinet appointees may not even get a vote.  Only the interests of the wealthy and big corporations will be served.

All I want, at this point, is to see legislation and appointees voted on.  If you had a Republican Senate Majority Leader who was willing to do that, I would be less concerned.

Case in point: the $2,000 checks, in the current environment, would have passed in the Senate on a straight up or down vote.  But McConnell wouldn't let that happen.  He used every parliamentary trick in the book to prevent it from even being voted on.  He used his power to thwart the will of the majority who wanted it.

And if he remains in charge of the Senate, he will do that again and again and again.

We are in a state of crisis in this country.  COVID, climate change, a cratering economy, destabilized foreign policy, so many little problem bombs left to us by the exiting orange clown.  And we need a Congress who is willing to vote on legislation, at least put themselves on the record one way or another.  None of this will happen as long as McConnell is in charge.

What are we talking about?  If Georgia votes in two competent and compassionate people, and vote out two corrupt and uncaring individuals, the Senate will be 50-50, with Vice President Harris breaking the tie in favor of Democratic Senate leadership.

And this is the one-party rule you fear?  HA!

I got two words for you -


Yep, he's about as Republican a Democrat as you can get.  So what if you get Progressive legislation before the Senate?  He'll vote with the Republicans more often than not.

And he's not alone.  Many of the Democrats in the Senate are not truly Progressive and will whiff on some of the most important measures we need.  I love Joe Biden, and I'm ecstatic that he's President, but he's a pretty moderate Democrat, one who is desperate to work with Republicans in a bipartisan fashion.

Pierce County is going to vote 85%+ Republican no matter what.  That sign is not going to increase or decrease the vote margin here one way or another.

But the rank hypocrisy of that sign?

It stinks.

It stinks to high heaven.


  1. I would love to see the rise of a "american moderate party" two parties are not enough

    1. I agree that multiple parties are needed to insure a chance for better legislation. What is moderate may be in the eye of the beholder, but it is best to have parties that are willing to work with each where needed.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you! This is still a difficult county to live in. The percentage vote for Perdue and Loeffler here was even higher than Trump's - 88% compared to 87%. Oy.
