Monday, November 15, 2021

What I Choose vs. The Marketplace


What I choose:  Chewable multi-vitamins are always my top choice.  I settle for gummies if I can't find chewables.  I don't do horse pills. Anything larger than a baby aspirin is out.

What the marketplace has chosen:  It's a tie.  There are many horse pills, but there is at least an equal number of gummies. Running a distant third are chewables, which are getting harder and harder to find at all. And you can find an incredible number of different kinds - women, men, children, seniors, women over 50, men over 50, immunity, heart, Omega-3,, on and on.

What I choose: not to go on cruises.  It's not just COVID-19.  They are often breeding grounds for all kinds of viral afflictions. And being trapped on a boat, rocking in the middle of the ocean, doesn't strike me as fun.  The type of room I could afford would be no bigger than a crackerbox, and my uncontrolled overeating would leave me writhing with indigestion the whole trip.

What the marketplace has chosen:  I thought cruises would go the way of the dinosaurs, what with the pandemic and all.  They may not be what they were, but they still persist, and I  think they will survive.  I have friends who think of it as their preferred mode of vacation. So, yeah, I guess they will rebound and be as popular as ever.

What I choose: I use ketchup on Mexican foods.  I'm not a huge lover of super spicy hot foods, and ketchup helps cut that.

What the marketplace has chosen: Salsa.  Salsa is now the number one condiment in America. Nothing I do horrifies people so much as when I put ketchup on Mexican foods.

What I choose: not all, but many of the TV shows I watch are one or two season wonders, which barely make a blip in the ratings - Firefly, Timeless, Counterpart, The Cool Kids, WonderFalls,  Best of the West.

What the marketplace has chosen:  at least from the broadcast networks, endless variations of the same formulaic procedurals: the NCIS family of shows, Law 'n' Order variations, CSI*, FBI, and a whole evening of Chicago. And even in my favorite genre, SciFi, the shows that survive are blander and less intriguing, like Manifest and Supernatural**.  The jury is still out on La Brea, which has just been renewed for a second season. To me, it's already showing signs of not living up to its initial premise, but we shall see.

What I choose: comic books.  I've read them since I was 5, and I still read them at 66, including buying some current ones.

What the marketplace has chosen: comic book-based movies. Some of the super-hero-themed movies are obvious, but there is much beyond that, such as Legion, The Road to Perdition, Preacher, The Boys, and on and on.  I am constantly amazed by the number of Marvel and DC moviegoers who have such deep affection for their superheroes but HAVE NEVER READ A COMIC BOOK.

There is a lot more, particularly in politics, but I'll leave that to another post.  Suffice to say that most of my political choices leave me quite isolated in the area that I live in.

What choices have you made that are against the grain?

Until next time,

T. M. Strait

*in my household, there was an exception, the original CSI, now returned as CSI:Vegas.  

**I may be unfair to Supernatural - I've only seen the first episode.  There was a ghost on the ceiling that frightened Alison, and I skipped watching it on my own, and now with it having run a bazillion seasons, I feel too far behind to catch up.

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