Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Welcome to the Musk-O-Verse!


Welcome to the Musk-O-verse!

To the tune of some 42 billion (rounded - what's a few hundred million among friends?) Elon Musk has purchased Twitter. I'm not sure why.  He's exercised about free speech - which basically means - welcome back, Trumpleskin! 

Why are you upset about this one, Tom?  Why weren't you upset about Jeff Bezos buying The Washington Post?  Or Laurene Powell Jobs owning The Atlantic?  How about  Zuckerberg with Facebook or Bill Gates and Microsoft's control?

The answer is yes.  Yes, I am upset by them ALL!  The consolidation of the media and the world's wealth in general, in fewer and fewer hands, is very disturbing.

I vote for Democrats over Republicans. That's a no-brainer.  But neither party has done much to reverse the tide of consolidated wealth.  And it is perilous when we allow this concentrated wealth to control our media.

I don't know a whole lot about Mr. Musk.  He likes space.  I like space.  The rest seems like usual billionaire narcissism and God Complex.  I don't know his politics in detail - he appears to be some sort of weird-ass Libertarian. This is not too surprising to me.  Many of these billionaires think they're the Fountainhead incarnate.

I doubt that even Elon Musk has a spare 42 Bill lying around.  That means "the Deal" is some sort of convoluted mess.  Delayed payments, things other than money, weird stuff that only the super-rich and Trump think about.

I have a Twitter account, and I use it primarily as a source to post my blog articles.  I've never received many reactions from being on there.  Most of the time, I get no likes or comments.  Once in a while, I hit the big ONE like.

So, yeah, I doubt if I'll get in trouble if I say anything about Twitter's new ruler. No one will really notice.


Free Speech...right, Musky?

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