Monday, May 2, 2022

May Monday Musings

 "What chu' gonna write about today, Daddy?"

I don't know, Boss-A-Man.  But I need to get back into the habit of writing.  Although I am really enjoying retirement, I still like to feel a sense of accomplishment, and contributing to my blog helps with that.

I would love it if my blog experienced growth, even if it was slow and steady, but after ten years, that doesn't seem to be in the cards.

I am looking forward to seeing my granddaughter in July.  She will be a little over three months old when I see her.  I am unable to share pictures of her, so you will have to trust me.  She is beautiful and growing up healthy and strong.

Other than New York, Alison and I have no major trips planned. Maybe we'll go to St. Augustine in the late Fall.  Something like that.

We're hoping to pay off the house in the next year or so and then concentrate on building up resources to travel more. It looks like our major vacation destination is going to be New York.

I have sent information about my comic collection to a couple of interested parties, but I have not heard back yet.  If I could get that sold for a fair price, it could help accelerate our paying off the house.

I've tried to pay more attention to my health this last month, with mixed results.  My weight is going down, I'm not too worried about my blood pressure, but I'm not making much of a dent in my blood glucose readings.  I'll get tested at a lab in June, and then we'll see whether or not I have to go on some medication.  Right now, odds favor that, but I'm going to try as hard as I can to get it as straightened out as I can.

I have been exercising more, most days with three walks.  I should add strength exercises, but I find them hard to do with my weak concept of coordination and they are boring beyond belief.


I went out to see a play put on by my friend Kimberly Beck.  Sher directs plays for Southside Christian School, and they put on a play about the Winnie the Pooh characters.  It was charming and entertaining to see young children perform and learn about theater.  

We used to have a group called Flying Dragon Arts Center, a great children's theater, mainly through the efforts of the Jeffords family.  It's where I acted in and later directed the Wizard of Oz.  It gave Benjamin many great acting opportunities, including performing with me. In addition, I co-wrote and co-directed my own musical, The Adventures of Young Robin Hood. It was a significant positive learning experience for my family and many other families in the area.

More than any of us former Flying Dragoneers, Kimberly Beck is doing the most to keep that spirit alive. I applaud and respect her efforts.


The world continues to spin in dangerous directions.  Russian aggression threatens the stability and peace of the world as a whole.  Ukrainian efforts to stay free have been awe-inspiring, but the capacity of the Russians to keep striking in bloody ways is frightening.

We are also faced with the threat of global warming.  Our weather is becoming more and more destabilized, creating crisis conditions all around the planet. However, we don't have to wait thirty years to see the effects of climate change.  They are happening RIGHT NOW.

Sure, inflation is worldwide and is a problem of 1) demand exceeding a weakened supply chain, 2) other COVID recovery-related issues - seriously, did anyone think we wouldn't have inflation as the economy struggled to return to normal as COVID concerns receded? 3) the Russian invasion of Ukraine and its resultant effect on energy prices - seriously, you don't want to stand up to Russian aggression?  You're not willing to pay a little more at the pump to help that happen?  If not, you really need to shut up about being a patriot or pro-democracy; 4) corporate greed as they use minor cost increases as an excuse to hike major price increases.  Yes, they're increasing prices greater than they need to cover costs. They don't have to worry about competition because most of our businesses are monopolies or oligarchies. 

Given all that, it seems like blaming Biden, and the Democrats for it is a useless and stupid gesture.  But that is actually what's going to happen.  People will turn to an anti-democratic party with exactly ZERO plans to combat inflation.

The cost of America's hissy fit will be - accelerated climate change, complete loss of women's reproductive rights and essential health, yet even more tax breaks for the wealthy and mega-corporations, further reductions in wages and unionization, persecution of the LBGTQ+ community, many public schools becoming Christian academies, the truth no longer being taught in History (Florida is censoring Math texts, fer cryin' out loud!), voter suppression, state election officials overruling the votes in counties with large populations of people of color, reduction of access and affordability of health care, and that's the just the tip of the crapberg!

Inflation?  Odds are that's gonna dissipate over time anyways. If it happens under a Democratic President, he won't get any credit for it.  If it happens under a Republican President - TICKER TAPE PARADES AND JUBILATION!


Anyhoo, how's your Monday going?

Musingly Yours, 

T. M. Strait

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