Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Tuesday Twitter Questions! 52422

 Once again, in lieu of a coherent topic, I answer questions people ask on my Twitter feed. I'm just trying to enjoy what I can from Twitter before Elon Musk takes it over!

Does anyone pay for Grammarly, and if you do, have you found that it's helped your writing at all?

Yes, I pay for Grammarly. I find it very helpful to keep my writing a little more on track. In fact, I am using it to help me with this post! I don't always take its suggestions. A lot of what they suggest is for more formal writing, I'm not trying to write a business letter, so I'm a bit more colloquial than it likes. I dismiss one-third to one-half of their suggestions. Some of you who are Grammar Police may notice I don't always follow the rules.

Self-published authors, how often do you check your KDP dashboard?

I used to check it a lot. I don't check it much anymore because it is way too depressing.

Ok, I'll check it now.


The last time I sold anything was November 2019.

Thanks for the question. Now I'm really depressed.

Good morning. Can I go back to bed?


And thanks to the previous question, I'm already there, with a pillow I can scream into.

Do men still cook &wash the dishes????

I can't speak for the entire male species. I do a lot of the dishwashing, mostly the stuff by hand. I don't cook dishes. I hate to be a picky eater, but I don't find dishes edible or tasty.

Why don't we see the word 'pontificate' in writing more?


Was there a time when we did see it a lot?

I'm not sure I've ever used it. But I'll pontificate on it more and get back to you.

Boy! Now THAT was entertainment!

Have a good day!

T. M. Strait

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