Look, I'm just trying to get back into the swing of writing, ok? That may mean using a few prompts and kickstarters here and there.
Social media is an abyss. Facebook has developed into a cesspool of right-wing extremism - it's possible, but not easy to carve out an oasis for yourself, but it's difficult to ignore how base nasty much of it is. Twitter has been taken over by a billionaire narcissist with right-wing and authoritarian tendencies - it's getting positively musky. TikTok is fun, but it's hard to forget that it's owned by China, and it's like flying a billion Luftwaffe balloons over our interwebs. Instagram is superficial and selfie driven, particularly harmful to young people, presenting them with unacheivable ideals. Snapchat, I don't get at all - oh, look! Uncle Wally has whiskers!
Nevertheless, I plunge into my strange little Twitter feed to answer the first five questions I see (not including the most obnoxious and/or sexually explicit).
Do you think Lauren Boebert is really that dumb, or is just an act?
I have no idea. Yes, she most likely has adopted a certain persona that she feels will best propel her career forward. How much of it is put on, I can't tell. The most important thing to realize is that she is a great danger to democracy. Her beliefs are authoritarian, particularly when it comes to the promotion of Christain Nationalism.
Does anyone else read Twitter bios before they interact with someone or am I a weirdo?
Not very often. Sometimes if I think they're a writer, I might check out to see what genre they write in, or the names of some of their books.
If someone wants to be my friend, I will check out the basics to make sure they are not a Trumper, or someone angling to make a profit off me somehow.
Do you actually thrive under pressure, or are you just so used to being burnt out that the only way you can overcome your mental exhaustion is by chasing the bump of feel-good brain chemicals you get when you're productive?
Wow. I may thrive under pressure sometimes, but I don't really like it. That's why I retired. On the other hand, I always feel more productive when I achieve writing goals. That's something I need to get back to.
Our FLOTUS, Dr. Biden is hands down a better First Lady than Melania Trump ever was, agree?
Well, yeah. I agree. But you could have put Melania against any first lady in the last 100-plus years, and Melania would be on the short end - bigly!
What has made you most proud of the Biden administration since 2020?
The way that he has led the world to support Ukraine and challenge Putin. Trump would have rolled over like a cocker spaniel and wet himself in subservience to Putin.
Also that he has restored a positive direction to mitigating climate change. Sure, it's not enough, but at least we're trying to make it better instead of worse.
Wow! That was exciting! Yes, three of the questions were political, but that is a reflection of my Twitter feed.
Until next time,
T. M. Strait