Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Kicking IT Wednesday Wandering Style

Cover for my Old Pat T Collection.  Available from the author and starting Thursday at the Okefenokee Heritage Center.

It feels like I stepped away from writing for awhile, and now I have to discipline myself back into it.  So that may mean a few more of these wandering, meandering posts until I get my thematic groove back.


The Republican Debate(s) were last night, and I missed them.  My blood pressure can only take so much.  The most interesting thing I've heard is that the candidates were dividing along military intervention lines with some (Bush, Rubio, Fiorina, Christie, Graham, Kasich) on the super-interventionist boots on the ground let's even take down Russian plane Bush/Cheney route versus the let them have dictators and concentrate on manning the homefront barricades less-interventionist route (Paul, Cruz, Trump, Carson).  Me?  I prefer a pragmatic application of the facts, that leans towards diplomatic and humanitarian efforts, using force judiciously when necessary.  So, yeah - Obama's approach.


Anybody gonna go see Star Wars: The Force Awakens?  First rate story done by a first rate director, the writer of The Empire Strikes Back and Raiders of the Lost Ark, and includes appearances by the original cast?  Sign me up!

But no early reviews from here.  I'm going to try to coordinate seeing the movie with all three of my boys, so I may not get to it until after Christmas.  So I have to be patient.  I DON'T KNOW THAT I CAN.


I also hope to get out with Alison to see Sisters, the new comedy starring the very talented and funny duo, Tina Fey and Amy Poehler.  I imagine it's box office will only be a fraction of Star Wars, but It sounds like a Bridesmaid style romp.You know, once in a while, I have to catch something else besides fantasy and science fiction.


I'm trying to gear up for Christmas, now that Advent is drawing to a close.  Usually this time of year is slightly spoiled by the hot breath of the impending tax season.  It's like trying to have fun while there is a growling boogeyman in the next room.

Oh, well.  Enjoy each day, and don't worry about going to prison until December 31st.

Literally.  Going to prison on that day.



I hope everyone is having a blessed Advent, filled with reflection and preparation for the coming Christmas Season!

Until next post, which hopefully will have one coherent theme!

T. M. Strait

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