Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Christmas Continues!


As I write this on Wednesday, December 30 ---- it's still Christmas!

Christmas season varies depending on denomination, so the joy can be spread out over quite a long period.  Anglicans/Catholics celebrate Christmas from December 25 through Epiphany 12 days later, January 6th.  Many in the Orthodox church celebrate Christmas on January 7th.  Some churches start early Christmas celebrations before December 25th, and are almost burned out before that day arrives.

So you have some that take down decorations and vestiges of Christmas as early as December 26th.  Others may wait until New Year's Day.  Yet others will wait until Epiphany.  And then some just leave them up until whenever.  All are good!

I tried to say Merry Christmas to a few clerks and such after the 25th, and I got some weird looks.  My oldest son, Greg, told me that it wasn't coming across right; that it seemed more of a challenge than a friendly thing.  He had a point so I am dropping it.  I don't want to be part of the problem.  Just because some in the culture are demanding one say Merry Christmas from the day after Thanksgiving until December 25th, and then the same people express hostility if you say it after that, doesn't warrant me making clerks and such feel uncomfortable.

But that doesn't mean I don't feel that way.  Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas, indeed!

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