Saturday, March 24, 2018

On the Madness of King Donald the Turd: Saturday Political Soap Box 180

How mad is he?

He makes Nixon, wandering the halls talking to pictures, look like the hallmark of sanity.

I can't hardly sleep at night knowing what he might do.

Yes, he is an extreme right-wing terror, in many ways like Mike Pence or other far right politicians might be.  He attempts to shred the social safety net, while at the same time accelerating our munitions, and restructuring our tax code in a way to benefit the wealthy and large corporations and increasing our already mammoth income gap.  He has bulldozed regulations, many of which were necessary to protect the environment, workers, children - even wildlife (trophy hunters - ya got free reign now!).

But one could argue that many other Republicans would have done the same.  Heck, one who knew what he was doing and had better emotional control over himself might have went even farther!

What is unique with Trump is that utter lack of emotional control, the desire to lash out and debase his enemies. the early dawn tweets that show us the truly diseased mind of this angry old man. Other than Putin, there is no one reserved from his wrath.  He will reach out and denigrate not just people in government, but private citizens as well.

He ignores his briefings and memos.  Even a large print message from his National Security staff, DO NOT CONGRATULATE, is either unread or ignored.  Instead he is guided by Fox News and extreme right wing websites.  His mood and focus is determined more by Steve Doocy's ramblings on Fox & Friends instead of the best intelligence sources on the planet. Have we ever had a President watch so much TV, and really crappy TV at that?

His vocabulary strives to hit the third grade level.  His tweets are filled with typos and grammatical faux pas (I know I hit the gooser myself sometimes, but I ain't the President, and my frequency rate cannot top his).  This shows that he is tweeting off the cuff, unfiltered, not reviewed by staff or any mature adult.  His habit of attaching mean, petty, vile nicknames to people, amusing to some during the campaign, can now destroy diplomatic relations, or ruin the lives of private individuals. 

He is corrupt, thumbing his nose at the emoluments clause, taking graft, promoting the businesses of himself and his family, charging the secret service and other government people a fortune when they use his hotels, like when he constantly goes to Mar-a-Lago.  He worries about none of it, because the Republicans control Congress, and they will do nothing about it.  The graft and entitlement even permeate his cabinet officials and staff.

He rages against any that dare oppose him.  He openly obstructs justice in the Mueller probe, and has no hesitancy against defaming and destabilizing our federal law enforcement services.  He forced out the Deputy Director of the FBI just days before his pension fully accrued.

His sexual misconduct has made him vulnerable to blackmail and extortion.  His shooting from the hip, in a reactionary way, to things like tariffs, has caused market destabilization and for his precious Dow average to fall.  Oh, well.  One less thing for him to brag about.

Always there is someone else to blame.  That is why he loses so much staff.  An he is replacing them more and more with TV personalities and cartoons.  Fox is like his farm team.

And now he is placing the ultimate warmonger, John Bolton as his National Security Adviser, a man who has never met a war he didn't like, a man who believes in military solutions and despises diplomacy, a man who advocates war against Iran, and a first strike against North Korea.  The madness of King Donald the Turd will now be enabled by a National Security Adviser who appeals to the worst, most dangerous instincts of this unqualified and unstable President.

The world is not all gloom.  Today, America's teens march to bring common sense gun control about, to mitigate the gun slaughter that occurs daily in this country.  Every special election, people are choosing more progressive candidates over those who cling to Trump.  Courts reverse some of the more extreme measures put in place by the maniacal executive.

But I am beginning to lose hope.  His base, many of whom live around me, continue to cling to the illusion that Trump is a sane, effective President, doing God's work in restoring our nation to what it once was - a slave-holding nation that kept and preserved the privileges of white men above everything else.

And with the elevation of John Bolton, I fear we will plunge into more senseless wars, and that nuclear weapons will no longer be held off the table.  I fear for my son, nine months shy of his 18th birthday, as to what our state of conflict will be at that time.  We are not rich and privileged enough that we can keep him out of the draft with the spurious excuse of bone spurs.

We have elected an erratic narcissist, an unstable madman who is capable of anything at anytime.  And the true sickness of America is that we have so many so blind that they do not recognize him for the madman that he is.

He is a wounded, angry bear.  And I fear he will continue to lash out until he takes us all down.

We will get out of this somehow, I hope and pray.  But I am increasingly unsure, on how we escape the madness of King Donald the Turd.

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