Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Spikey Wednesday Wanderings

Saga of the Returning Hair!

Not enough to comb, but in more solidly than last week, this is the growth after 17 days.

I still wear my hat most of the time, although it's really longer now than a lot of guys. It's not all voluntary.  Some guys have male baldness pattern issues, and even though they may not be completely bald, they keep the rest of it short to balance out.  Others just prefer their hair that short.  I'm not one of those guys.

Also in the background note Boss-A-Man and Pixie, sleeping on our oldest but most comfortable chair in the house.


I'm not a big fan of the unspoken prayer request, but...I find myself in a situation where I cannot yet be specific.  So, any thoughts, prayers or kindnesses you can send Alison's way would be greatly appreciated.  It's not health or family or personal relationships or even her work, but it is something that is causing her a great deal of stress, caused by something that is unnecessary and purposelessly mean-spirited and cruel.  She is not alone in going through this either.

I hate being vague.  Trust me.  If there was any way I could be more specific, I would.


I won the second round of my work's March Madness pool.  Thank you, Loyola-Chicago and Michigan.  My choice for the champion is Michigan, OF COURSE!!!  GO BLUE!!!


Tax season grinds on.  I'm not putting in as much time as in prior years, but I am putting in more than I wanted to.  Breaking up with accounting is hard to do.  Especially when I have demonstrated such poor skill at earning money at doing anything else.


People can restructure Facebook and other social media to get the news they want, and that reinforces their beliefs.  But I really have to wonder what the Trumpeteers are looking at to think that the President is doing a good job, and that he is a decent and moral person.  It must be getting more and more difficult to only receive positive news about our Mad King.

Of course, it's not just the President that they see in altered reality.  It's the necessity to hate on the young people who are daring to challenge the NRA, and urge us to a few common sense gun control measures.  And it's not enough to hate them as they are.  They have to believe manufactured pictures like Emma Gonzalez being photoshopped to look like she was tearing up the constitution (instead of the shooting target she was tearing up).  Or that some are not really students but crisis actors. Are some people in such a tight bubble that they really believe crap like that?


Wanderingly yours,

T. m. Strait


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