Tuesday, February 5, 2019

State of Our Union

Boy, we're still far away from that, eh?

Anyhoo, President Donald J Trump, the current occupant of the White House, the world's leader of "Executive Time" (or, as a teenager, what my Mom would call, "Tom!  Get out of the basement and DO SOMETHING!"), will give the State of the Union tonight.

I guess it's tonight,  I've heard very little about it.  I've heard some vague reporting that his speech will be some tremulous call for unity.

Call for unity?  From Trump?


He's spent his LIFE dividing us.  His tweets demean and insult and separate.  His racism has crossed the border of restraint and has crashed through to everyday life.  The days of abstract dog whistles and sly innuendo are gone.  Trump talks about refugees as if he's Kevin McCarthy at the end of the original Invasion of the Body Snatchers, running between the cars screaming, "They're coming!  They're almost here!  They're coming to get you1"  and then stares terrified at the camera, "You'll be next!"  In Trump's world, there's always a caravan of thugs, cleverly disguised as desperate families trying to avoid the violence in their home country, coming to bring rape and murder and thievery and human trafficking to YOUR HOMETOWN!

But he may pretend a stab at unity.  It's part of the con, you know.  If only we could get together and do things EXACTLY AS I SAY, wouldn't it be a wonderful world?

I am looking forward to the Democratic response.  And this time they're reaching out to give a platform to someone outside of Congress, to the brilliant Stacey Abrams, gubernatorial candidate from my state of Georgia.   I have heard her speak, and the nation is in for a real treat.  She came within a whisker's breath of returning the Governor's Mansion to Democratic hands.  It exposed the extent to which Republicans will use voter suppression to get what they want.

I'm not sure how much of Captain Bone Spurs I want to see.  I may have to depend on others to let me know when he is done. On the other hand, it will be good to see Nancy Pelosi behind him, leading the Democratic response, both when they applaud, when they don't, and when the non-verbal reaction tells a bigger tale than all of Trump's whoppers.  It will be awesome to see AOC there, and all the guests that are going to be brought in that challenge Trump's fantasy version of the world.

Finally, a special message to those who seem aggraveted that Berine Sanders is going to give his own response to the State of the Union -


He does this every year.  It's not going to be on broadcast TV or cable news networks.  Believe me, if it's mentioned on mainstream media, it won't be to cover the content, but to tsk-tsk him for doing it.


We have much, much bigger fish to fry.


  1. Bernie and Hillary did what they were supposed to do...put out and defend their positions. Our media and Russian trolls framed this as a “war” that inflamed “camps”...maybe with 6 or 16 Democrats running this time it will be more difficult to create such a narrative and internal war within the Party.

  2. I think what we're headed for is for Trump to try to pick off the Democratic front-runner as each one emerges. This is what he did with his Republican challengers. I don't think it will work, but that won't stop his bleating.
