Ellie sez: My bed is bigger than that house.
Another day without a topic. Yesterday, I was laid low with a lot of foot pain and fever. Today my foot pain is more modest, and the fever is gone (right now). So, hey-ho, it's off to work I go, at least for a little while.
We are rappelling towards Benjamin's Graduation, now only about three months away. I still can't believe his prom is in mid-March. Isn't that supposed to be a week or two before school ends? Isn't it basically a signal to Seniors that school is basically over?
In a few weeks, we'll be going to an event at Georgia Collge State University. And it won't be to decide where to go but to visit the college Benjamin will be attending!
I am a streamaholic, and I have acquired DC Universe, at least for the next year. Now I can read comic books on my television and computer. I am currently watching a Superman Serial from 1948. They're ten to fifteen-minute segments that were shown in movie theatres a week at a time. Each episode ended on a cliffhanger that would entice you to come to the theatre the next week to see what happened next.
The state of CGI and special effects were certainly different. When Superman flies, they substitute the actor out for an animated figure. It's taken decades to make super-heroes look right on the screen, but I'm glad they were trying.
Me wanting to watch this stuff probably has Bill Maher very disappointed in me. That is if he knew me from shinola, which he doesn't. No celebrity does. Well, except for maybe Kenndy Brice. Newt Gingrich said hello to me once, but I'm trying to block that out.
Other quick notes:
The weather is too warm, but it should cool off by Sunday. Blueberry farmers may be having trouble because there have not been enough cold days. Thanks, global warming. Hey, Georgia! Ever think there may be a reason the number one blueberry growing state is Michigan?
Speaking of global warming, it's real. Y'all do realize that, don't you? Congressperson Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and her Green New Deal may be doing more to preserve the planet than anyone else, especially in our universe of politicians.
I like cookies. Important to note for future reference.
The news is always about some new way soda is evil for you. I'm trying to cut back. Really I am. Still, there is nothing quite like the taste of a delicious carbonated beverage. Once in a while, you see news that indicates coffee is actually good for you. Soda? Eh, not so much.
Hell, I'll probably see something that connects fake gout with soda, Just my luck.
Wanderingly Yours,
T. M. Strait
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