Monday, May 27, 2019

A Day to Treasure those who Lost Their Lives Battling for the American Cause

Memorial Day.

Very often, the purpose of our three day holidays is lost, overwhelmed by the simple fact that WE GET MONDAY OFF!  This naturally creates opportunities to go places and see family, to enjoy the luxury of a day off, especially those of us whose jobs are steady year-round and offer little time off.

Memorial Day's purpose should not be lost.  Although there are other holidays with a military tinge, this is the one where we remember the ultimate sacrifice - those American soldiers that gave their lives in the service of our country.

It is important to remember the sacrifice of the lives of anyone in the many brutal wars humans seem to continually fall into.  But the specifics of this holiday is not for that - this is for the loss of lives of American soldiers, and their giving of all to preserve the American experiment.

It's for the those who gave their lives in trying to liberate this country during the Revolutionary War.  It is not for the Tories and Loyalists who chose to align with the British and actively fought against  American independence.

It is not for those who fought to divide the union, but for the Union soldiers who fought to preserve it.

It is not for the America Firsters who fought to align us to stay neutral or to even actively support the fascists of Germany and Japan.

Some conflicts were less honorable than others.  They weren't so much as to preserve democracy and defend the country, as they were to protect corporate interests or fight to restrict or hamper the free choices of other nations. That does not matter for this holiday.  They answered the call of their country, right or wrong, and fought valiantly.

We'll let the historians and scholars argue about the validity of some of our conflicts.  But we will honor and treasure all who gave their lives in any of America's many wars.

Remember the many (the far too many) who lost their lives fighting for the United States of America.  Remember those among your own family and friends.  Remember those from your own community and state.  Rember the now faceless many who have been lost to history - do your best to find out about them and preserve them.

We appreciate, honor, and treasure their sacrifice.

And we pray for smart leaders who believe in the power of diplomacy and improving the world through economic progress for all so that the times we require the ultimate sacrifice are rare and only occur when absolutely necessary.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this heartfelt post. Have a safe and relaxing day.
