Saturday, May 25, 2019

Mr. Graduate Photo Album

A man triumphant!

Benjamin walks toward the podium to receive his well-earned diploma.

We got this close up because we had an insider!  Alison's step-sister, Chrisie Mooneyhan, is a teacher at the school and was sitting with the staff on the field. 

This was more of our view.  It's actually farther away, but Alison just taught me a trick in transferring pictures by zooming in and reframing stuff.  The result made it closer, but a bit blurrier.

Benjamin finished 26th in his class, at least as recorded at the end of Senior first semester.  How do I know this?  Because they sat the honor students in order of class finish.  There were 25 students in the first row, and Benjamin was the first in the second row.  Ergo, 26th!

We sat in the bleachers, front row.  We got there early, dropping off Benjamin at 5:30, and then proceeded to the football stadium.  There were already a goodly number of people there, even though the ceremony was an hour and a half away. 

The bleachers filled, and we were all packed in like sardines.  It was a long wait, in the sweltering heat, and gnat visitations, but it was worth it.

Benjamin, on his walk to pick up his diploma.

Well, funny story.  He picked up the diploma holder, but not the actual diploma.  For that, he had to go back into the school to pick it up,  I guess they were afraid they would accidentally give the wrong diploma to somebody.

Put your hats in the air!

He is officially graduated!

A loving grandson with his Meemaw after the ceremonies.

A boy and his Mom: UPDATED!

Scratch that!

A young man and his Mom:  THE BEGINNING!

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