Saturday, January 18, 2020

Choose Your Speed!: Saturday Political Soap Box 234

How fast do you want to go?

The only real decision in voting in the Democratic Primary is trying to determine how fast you want to go.

Do you want to get to the achievement goals of improving our society and bringing us into the future quickly or slowly?


16 RPM

Want to play it safe?  You really don't have too many problems with the way things are except for the erratic orange clown in charge, and how he endangers everything we hold near and dear?  Only looking for incremental improvements in health care and the environment and the economy?  Then JOE BIDEN is your candidate!  He will follow the Obama model of surrendering large chunks of the agenda to get done what he can by impressing moderate Republicans and bringing a handful on board for minor incremental changes.  Things may move forward, but the pace will be slower than a Zanaxed turtle.  MICHAEL BLOOMBERG is also in this group, but God help us if in the current environment if we to another billionaire.*

33 RPM

Want things to go a little faster, but still prefer modest change to faster change?  Want to see the current system basically intact but with some expansion of things like health care and working towards checking climate change?   Then PETE BUTTIGEIG and AMY KLOBUCHAR are your candidates!  There would be slight differences in their calibrations.  Pete might move faster and wish to progress farther on some issues than Amy is, but both have their limits as to how far they want to go.  Pete has a sharper vision, and Amy has a greater streak of pragmatism.  But both should move faster than Joe.

45 RPM

Want to move forward faster but with at least some caution and desire to bring as many people on board with your priorities as you can?  Beleive that parts of the system are corrupt and need major reform? Then ELIZABETH WARREN is your candidate!  Elizabeth has changed her Medicare For All plan into one designed to do everything we can as quickly as we can - to build the consensus step by step.  She is clear on where we need to go, and how to finance it, but is willing to take steps to build it on a solid foundation.  TOM STEYER may fall into this speed as well, but really, I do not want to talk about billionaire candidates.

78 RPM

Want us to get there at what the movie Spaceballs calls "ludicrous speed?"  Then you want the one and only, the great progenitor of truth, justice, and the TRUE American way - BERNIE SANDERS.  He's not messing around with moving us to where we need to be on all the issues I care about.  Also (maybe) in this category is ANDREW YANG, because he is voicing concerns about what our economy is really going to look like in the next ten to twenty years.  He is proposing solutions to problems that have not even occurred yet.  On a side note, however, Andrew Yang's platformed changes in health care blows BIG TIME.

Me personally, I prefer the 45 RPM speed, moving forward in a specific direction, but working towards building the consensus that will keep us from flying off the rails again.

But really, choose whatever speed you like.  At least you will be moving towards something better and different.

Because do you know what speed the opposition is moving at?


That's right.  They are spinning us backward as fast as they can.  You know, the ones where when played backward, say stuff like, "I am Satan."

So, compared to that, even Joe Biden seems pretty darn sweet!

Impeachment Update:

Yeah, I'm not posting on impeachment and the upcoming trial very much.  What can I say?  Every day, it becomes more evident and more apparent how criminal and dangerous the narcissistic, racist clown really is.  Should he be convicted/found guilty?  Hell, yes.  Should he be removed?  Double hell yes!  Will he be removed?  Not in our current reality.  The best we can hope for is that enough Republicans join in demanding witnesses and that when the American people see it, they say (at least 60% or more) "Damn!  He's guilty as F... and the Republicans are trying to sweep it under the rug, but damn, that rug is now really lumpy!"

I know.  Not very likely.  But...truth, justice, and the American Way, baby!  Gotta keep up the neverending fight!

*yes, I know.  Trump is probably not really a billionaire, but he plays one on TV, and the Trumpeteers are snookered into believing that he is one.

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