Saturday, February 8, 2020

Hobbled: Saturday Political Soap Box 235

There is so much to write about and react to.  Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your perspective), I am somewhat hobbled this morning.  The knee pain that has flared up out of nowhere is making it difficult to sit at the computer for any length of time.

How do I feel about the Democratic race at the moment?

Not too bad.  The tabulating of Iowa's results were a horrible, time-delayed muddle.  Even though the candidates nor the DNC was directly involved, people are going to attribute it to "Democratic failure."

Bernie and Mayor Pete were neck and neck competing for first.  Bernie did very well, but he's going to need to be better if he's going to win the nomination  He can't just win close, fractured elections,  He's going to have to win bigger, and demonstrate both an ability to win over a healthy chunk of moderate/conservative  Democrats, and demonstrate the ability to attract new voters, increasing primary and caucus turnout.  Attendance at Iowa caucuses was about the same as four years ago - those numbers are going to have to rise, and it has to be attributed to Bernie.

Buttigieg lost the popular voting, but he did gain more than the others in the second realignment vote.  This means he was many people's second choice.  When other moderates failed to meet viability in a precinct (at least 15% of the precinct vote), they tended to switch to Buttigieg.  And then the State Delegate equivalents were structured to give rural voters an outsized voice.  Shades of the electoral college.

In third, in a tier by herself, is Elizabeth Warren.  This may not be the worst position to be in. She may gain from the fact that attacks will focus on the two frontrunners, and not her.

In another close bunching, is Biden and Klobuchar.  This did not hurt Klobuchar - she is still considered a viable candidate. It was a devasting blow to Biden.  If Biden does not have a breakthrough in South Carolina, he's pretty much toast.

My favorite progressive candidate is Elizabeth Warren.  My favorite corporate/moderate candidate is Amy Klobuchar.  If we're going to beat Trump, it's going to take a blend of these two camps, along with someone who can inspire people of color to turn out in large numbers.

I have no comment about the impending arrival of the billionaire. Can we at least agree that this is not the best year to have someone else BUY the Presidency?

Of the major candidates,  here is my ranking concerning my own support.

1)  Elizabeth Warren

2)  Bernie Sanders

3)  Amy Klobuchar

4)  Joe Biden

5)  Pete Buttigieg

The Impeachment Trial is Over

It had to be done.  The Constitution and its preservation demanded it.  Political consequences be damned - this could not be unanswered.

And his acquittal will have consequences - dire, dramatic consequences.  He will seek vengeance.  He will do it again.  Sorry, Maine Senator Susan Collins - he learned nothing.  The only thing Trump got out of it was...I CAN DO ANYTHING I WANT AND GET AWAY WITH IT.

Super kudos to Mitt Romney, and to Senator Doug Jones of Alabama.  They did not take the easy way out.  They voted their conscience, despite the consequences.  And there will be consequences.  Doung Jones will almost certainly lose his election in the Fall.  Romney will be ostracized and treated like dirt.

Donald Trump is coming after all those who try to speak the truth.  And it won't be pretty.  The training wheels have been taken off Trump and expect him to crash headlong into everything.

Anyhoo, it's taken me a long time to write this, and I have had to correct it numerous times. 

Thank you all for perusing my political posts.  No one agrees with anyone 100% of the time, so I appreciate you reading even when you don't agree with me.

Y'all have a great time, and I'll see y'all back here for Saturday Political Soap Box 236.

Yes.  236 of these over the years.  Yeppers, if nothing else, I embody quantity over quality.

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