Tuesday, February 4, 2020

The Never-Ending Wait Tuesday Tidbits

Everybody's something, right?

Well, I'm a political junkie, like it or not.

I've always been fascinated, almost from birth, certainly since my pre-teen years.

So, this Iowa result delay is interminable.

Mostly, I'm mostly tired of listening to the pundits go mad with speculation.  This is a dissatisfying glitch.  This is an annoyance.  It does not mean the Democratic Party is incapable of running the country, nor is it or should it be the major goal to please the media overloads with quick results and allow them to chew up the process with overblown, hyperbolic punditry.

And here is the number one thing that I hate that they are saying and is making me angry -


What complete and utter horsehockey and nonsense.

Our Presidency should NOT turn into a BILLIONAIRE SWAP MEET!

Sorry, to start with politics.  Sometimes, it's just the way its got to be.

Personal Health

A full month of recording diet and health stuff now.  I lost 12 pounds and reduced my blood pressure.  Glucose levels declined, but nowhere near where I need them to be.  That part was discouraging, and I may be headed to Metformin no matter what I do.  bu, Like my favorite candidate, I will persist!

Super Bowl

Can't say.  Didn't watch it.  Not the game.  Not the halftime show.  Not the commercials.

This is what I know or have learned.

San Francisco pulled a mini Falcons and melted down in the face of impending victory, and were defeated by a coach who looks like Wilford Brimley.  

Missouri has all the big cities, and Kansas has Wichita.  Someone needs to tell the President.

The same people who revel in the football violence and the scantily clad cheerleaders and the sexy commercials and the jingoistic game starts and don't want "certain" NFL players to get uppity and kneel during the anthem (while the President gyrates like an a-hole) and don't mind kids in cages, get all high-horsey when a couple of superstar Latina entertainers give a spectacular show and dare to go near a pole.  Glad to know the objectors have such a fine-tuned sense of priorities.

And congratulations. Planters!  Your macabre demise of Mr. Peanut to replace him with a Baby Yoda ripoff is right up there, putting you in the Advertising Hall of Shame, alongside New Coke and the Edsel.


The rhythm is gonna get me.  Or I should my complete inability to deploy a rhythm method. Nevertheless, I hope today to begin another round of edits on The Extra Credit Club, the book I've been working on the last year or so, and one many of you may never see.

I think it's shaping up to be my best ever, but what do I know.  I'm still confused by what happened (or didn't happen) to Crowley Stories.

I'm going to do my best to keep these to three topics.  

Sorry for the political intrusions, but.....

Wednesday Update to Tuesday Tidbits

The Iowa results are trickling in, about 71% in last I checked.  Sanders is ahead in the first and final round, but Buttigieg leads in State Delegate count.  How?  I guess Iowa gerrymanders to prefer rural areas over cities and college towns.  Ain't democracy grand?

Anyways, it looks like Bernie and Mayor Pete are competing for first.  Elizabeth Warren is third, period - that's not likely to change up or down.  Biden and Klobuchar look neck and neck for fourth and fifth.

The most striking result is in the entrance polls.  Mayor Pete ranks in the top among voters who DON"T WANT Medicare For All.  He is also third in those who DO support Medicare For All.  Well, that can't last.  Sooner or later, people will figure out which pony he is riding.  Or maybe not, and the 'all things to all people' thing will work.

I got a lot more thoughts but I'll save them for another post.

Please don't rip this up when you're done.

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