Thursday, February 6, 2020

OHC Writer's Guild Agenda for Meeting Cancelled Due to Weather

OHC Writer’s Guild
Meeting of Thursday, February 6, 2020

1) Willkommen
2) Future Projects
A)     Writer’s Contest 2020
              It’s a Date!
        Beginning in early March, start to solicit entries.

April 17th - Submission deadline for stories and poems.

April 21st - Submission to Judges

April 27th - Scoring returned from Judges

May 3rd  - Winner's Ceremony Sunday at the Heritage Center

              Potential Judges
              Potential Sponsors
B)                Events in coordination with the library
C)           Events in coordination with the Okefenokee Heritage      Center 
  Snack Time!
Writer’s Sharing Time
          Each writer gets a chance to share a project, ask advice or help, and/or read something they’ve written – from that month’s theme, or anything else they choose.  Please keep readings to no more than five minutes, if possible.
Writer’s Fun Time!
Game Time!
Pick a new theme and then say adios!
Next meeting:  March 5th, 2020