Saturday, February 29, 2020

Battle of the Septuagenarians! Saturday Political Soap Box 238

Hokey Smokes!

When did our election turn into

The Battle
Joe Biden, 77
Update:  The man who has never won a primary finally won one in South Carolina.  The corporate media is wetting all over itself in excitement.

Bernie Sanders, 78
Update:  THe problem for Bernie is not that the state that ALWAYS upholds the establishment candidate**  stunningly upheld the establishment candidate.  No, his problem is that he was supposed to be adding people of color to his base of support.  And in South Carolina, he did not.  All the press caterwauling aside, this is the true danger sign for him, and for the progressive movement in general.

the Septuagenarians!!!*
Mike Scrooge McDuck Bloomberg, 78

Hoe did the most important political contest of our lives turn into a battle between old white guys?  

Weren't we supposed to be turning a page to a new kind and age of politics?  Shouldn't the Millenials start picking up the ball, and start to straighten the mess the Baby Boomers have created?

What the hell happened?

What about these people?
Pete Buttigieg, 38

Ok, maybe this one is too young.  But, hey, maybe he has already accumulated a lot of experience, with positions in state and national governance.  Ok...well, it's the thought that counts.

Update:  Buttigieg now has an opportunity for the next four years to garner that experience.  His strategic withdrawal just before Super Tuesday was to curry favor with Biden and corporate Democrats and put a final shiv to Bernie Sanders.  Oh, well.  Politics ain't bean bag.

Amy Klobuchar, 59

Hey, the Goldilocks candidate! The one whose age is just right!  Too bad her politics is not appealing to progressives and/or people of color.  Oh, well....can't have everything!

Update:  I believe she is staying in solely to dampen down Bernie's vote in Minnesota.  After Super Tuesday, she will withdraw posthaste, either explicitly or implicitly endorsing Biden.

Elizabeth Warren, 70

Oh, crap!  My favorite candidate is a...


Ok, well, at least she's Septuagenarian Lite.  And a female.  And whip-smart.  And high energy.  And with plenty of new ideas.

Update:  She raised $29 million in February, some of it from me.  Please don't quit.  I beg of you.  Please don't.  Your voice is needed.

And waiting on the other side...

Donald Twitter from the John Trump, 73

Representing Septuagenarian, Maroon Division,

Our Narcissistic, Racist, Would Be Dictator and beloved Conman,

President Warm Weather Will Kill the Beer Virus Donald J Trump

*septuagenarian is someone between the ages of 70 to 79.

**Barack Obama in 2008 was a slight exception to this rule.

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